Press articles

Portraits and interviews

In the backstages

Seen from France

Extracts of books

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The magazine covers

Portraits and interviews of the actors

Robert Brian Wilson (Channing Capwell Junior)
Robert Wilson
, 1984

Lane Davies (Mason Capwell)
Villain of a different color
, 1986 
«I want to fight for a better world !»
, 1987
With photos : The dream of Sophia et Mason : to live in Paris
, 1988
With photos : The secrets of Mason Capwell
, 1989
Terrible Mason, 1989
From Santa Barbara to Paris, 1991
10 most wanted : Lane Davies
, 2000
Catching up with Lane Davies, 2002
Catching up with Lane Davies, 2019

Robin Wright Penn (Kelly Capwell)
Robin Wright : her dream of having a baby and raising it in France, 1985 
The Santa Barbara lovers against star-system and kings of business, 1986
Kelly's way, 1992
Seven reasons to love Robin Wright Penn, 2009
Robin Wright the anti-superstar, 2010
«I'm not bankable», 2011
«My private life is nobody's affair», 2011

Todd McKee (Ted Capwell)
«I don't want to become a sex-symbol !», 1987
With photos : The thunderbolt of the seducers of Santa Barbara, 1987
With photos : Ted and Warren seduce the Parisian girls
, 1988
Ted and Hayley, the new great couple of Santa Barbara, 1990
With photos : The new life of Todd, 1992

Dame Judith Anderson (Minx Lockridge)
Why not Dame Judith in a soap ?, 1984
Santa Barbara in mourning, 1992

Louise Sorel (Augusta Lockridge)
Hilarious, outrageous, unpredictable and totally unconventional..., 1990
The heroin of
Santa Barbara dreams of moving in Paris
, 1990
Augusta's chances
, 1992
10 most wanted : Louise Sorel
, 2000
«I have played so many absurd things !»
, 2001

John Allen Nelson (Warren Lockridge)
«The mail of the actors is accounted to measure their popularity !», 1987
With photos : Ted and Warren seduce the Parisian girls, 1988

Julie Ronnie (Laken Lockridge)
She owes everything to
Santa Barbara and she still goes away...
, 1987
«That's life !»
, 1992

Margarita Cordova (Rosa Andrade)
A dancer at the Capwell villa
, 1992 
Hotel California, 2003

Ava Lazar (Santana Andrade)
For the love of a beautiful Italian, she fled Santa Barbara !, 1987

Dane Witherspoon (Joe Perkins)
The Santa Barbara lovers against star-system and kings of business, 1986
Dane Witherspoon : he melted for ice cream !, 2012

Melissa Brennan Reeves (Jade Perkins)
Melissa Brennan came to comedy on a danse walk
, 1986

A Martinez (Cruz Castillo)
A Martinez : the soul of a man
, 1986 
The wonderful romantic passion of Eden and Cruz !
, 1987
Cruz Castillo's confidences, 1989
The knight in shining armour
, 1990 
«I remain faithful to Santa Barbara, 1990
This is finished for A Martinez, 1992

A quits Santa Barbara for L.A. Law, 1992 
Cruz-ing out of Santa Barbara, 1992
The cancellation of Santa Barbara was almost fatal to him, 1997
Fight for fight, 1998
Hunks everlasting, 2016
Cruz control, 2023

Virginia Mayo (Peaches Delight)
The very simple happiness of Virginia Mayo !
, 1987

Nicolas Coster (Lionel Lockridge)
Coster brings humor to
Santa Barbara
, 1985
The quiet seducer of
Santa Barbara
, 1987
Hilarious, outrageous, unpredictable and totally unconventional..., 1990
Nicolas Coster's noble gesture, 1991
The adieu to Santa Barbara, 1992

The Coster Chronicles
, 1994

Linda Gibboney (Gina DeMott Capwell)
At home with Judith McConnell
, 1986
Gibboney fills a Generations gap, 1990

Marcy Walker (Eden Capwell)
The wonderful romantic passion of Eden and Cruz !
, 1987
«My son is my more wonderful dream !», 1989
«I will have to abandon Eden.», 1989
Can Santa Barbara survive without Eden ?, 1991
Marcy leaves
Santa Barbara
, 1991
Fan Oprah Winfrey gives Marcy Walker a break
, 1992 
«I was the star of Santa Barbara. I left everything the day I met God.», 2008
Santa Barbara's glamorous icon preaches the word of God, 2014

Richard Eden (Brick Wallace)
«I'm shy... and I get reddened when I receive dared mail from my admirers !»
, 1987
With photos : The thunderbolt of the seducers of Santa Barbara, 1987
From Santa Barbara to Robocop, 1995

Kerry Sherman (Amy Perkins)
She chose her children rather than her career !
, 1990

Charles Bateman (C.C. Capwell)
C.C. Capwell : the patriarch, 1987

Judith McConnell (Sophia Capwell)
Bearded lady tells of Dominic / Sophia role, 1985
At home with Judith McConnell
, 1986
Santa Barbara is stronger than Dallas
, 1987
With photos : The dream of Sophia et Mason : to live in Paris
, 1988
With photos : Judith McConnell's parisian adventure, 1988
Nobody's girl, 1990
A new role for Judith : mummy !
, 1994
Catching up with Judith McConnell
, 2002
Judith McConnell, actress
, 2017

Mark Arnold (Joe Perkins)
«I regret
Santa Barbara»
, 1987

Joel Bailey (Lindsay Smith)
Hotel California, 2003

Joel Crothers (Jack Lee)
Joel Crothers
, 1985

Margaret Michaels (Santana Andrade)
Some rum in Santa Barbara, 1987

David Haskell (Nick Hartley)
A caring kind of guy
, 1985

Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia Wainwright)
«Sometimes he drives me crazy... but I love him anyway !»
, 1988
«Life would be vain without a good cause to defend !», 1990
One foot out the door : Will Santa Barbara's Julia call it quits ?, 1992

Tricia Cast (Christie DuVall)
A sympathetic star, 1993

Harley Jane Kozak (Mary DuVall)
Parting is such sweet sorrow, 1987
«My disappearance was a sign of the destiny !», 1990

Brandon Call (Brandon DeMott Capwell)
A precocious star, 1993

Kathy Shower (Janice Harrison)
Kathy Shower joins cast of Santa Barbara, 1985
«I love to be exhausted.», 1989

Joseph Bottoms (Kirk Cranston)
Joseph Bottoms, authentic child of Santa Barbara !, 1988

Gina Gallego (Santana Andrade)
A succession of actors for the same role is distressing for the public !
, 1985
«I couldn't marry a man who was in love with someone else !», 1985
The shooting star of Santa Barbara, 1990
Hotel California, 2003

Robert Thaler (Pearl Bradford)
«Television is a plague !», 1987

Robin Mattson (Gina DeMott Capwell)
Gina's loves
, 1992

Jed Allan (C.C. Capwell)
A fifth C.C. Capwell for Santa Barbara, 1988
«Old seducers are very requested on television !», 1989

Stacy Edwards (Hayley Benson)
The Cinderella of Santa Barbara, 1990
Ted and Hayley, the new great couple of Santa Barbara, 1990

Justin Deas (Keith Timmons)
Pulling teeth...
, 1986

Marie-Alise Recasner (Alice Jackson)
The real deal, 1999

Jane Sibbett (Jane Wilson)
Velvet leg, 1988

John Considine (Grant Capwell)
Where are they now ? John Considine, 2002

Lynn Clark (Lily "Light" Blake)
Lily is not alone anymore..., 1990

Kristen Meadows (Victoria Lane)
«I owe everything to Cruz», 1992
Kristen Meadows threatened of death by fans of Santa Barbara, 1992
Hotel California, 2003

Lenore Kasdorf (Caroline Wilson)
Profile : Lenore Kasdorf, 1987

John Wesley Shipp (Martin Ellis)
A super-hero in Santa Barbara, 1991

Ross Kettle (Jeffrey Conrad)
Ross Kettle's lost paradise
, 1991

Rick Edwards (Jake Morton)
Operation charm succeeded, 1988

Scott Jenkins (Warren Lockridge)
Scott Jenkins braved lions and elephants, but almost got wiped out by Santa Barbara !, 1987

Sherilyn Wolter (Elena Nikolas)
Eleanor the new vamp of Santa Barbara, 1991

Scott Jaeck (Cain Garver)
Scott Jaeck, 1987

Susan Marie Snyder (Laken Lockridge)
Susan gets her man !, 1991

Chip Mayer (T.J. Daniels)
«They've found my ditch, they just haven't found my nitch.», 1988

Vincent Irizarry (Dr. Scott Clark)
The future seducer of Santa Barbara, 1991
With photos : The Santa Barbara lovers in Paris, 1991
The favorite role of Vincent Irizarry
, 1992

Marj Dusay (Pamela Conrad)
A slightly off-the-wall lady, 1988

Ally Walker (Andrea Bedford)
A genetician become a profiler
, 1999
Prime-time players : Ally Walker
, 2017

Eva LaRue (Margot Collins)
«I became addicted to scientific investigations»
, 2008
«I'm very close to Emily Procter», 2008

Jane A. Rogers (Dr. Heather Donnelly)
«What page can I find my horoscope on ?», 1988

Tamlyn Tomita (Ming Li)
The oriental charm of Tamlyn
, 1998

Frank Runyeon (Michael Donnelly)
Doing it his way, 1988

Kimberly McArthur (Kelly Capwell)
«I am proud to replace Robin Wright in Santa Barbara», 1988
The next Kelly of
Santa Barbara
, 1989

Leigh McCloskey (Dr. Zack Kelton / Ethan Asher)
A double role : a rapist... and a district attorney !
, 1989
Ethan faces his past, 1990
Catching up with Leigh McCloskey
, 2002

Joe Marinelli (Bunny Tagliatti)
«How I learned to dress for success», 1988
A fetishistic tranvestite !
, 1989
Santa Barbara's Bunny, Joe Marinelli is winning the battle of sexes
, 1989

Signy Coleman (Celeste DiNapoli)
«People fascinate me», 1988
The oldest job of the world
, 1989
With photos : The Santa Barbara lovers in Paris, 1991

Julie Condra (Emily DiNapoli)
Tender and shy...
, 1989

Christopher Norris (Laura Asher)
The district attorney's wife !
, 1989
Crazy like a fox, 1990
Catching up with Christopher Norris
, 2002

Meg Bennett (Megan Richardson)
Meg Bennett's one of a kind career, 1985
She writes C.C. Capwell's memories..., 1989

Carrington Garland (Kelly Capwell)
The role of all hapinesses
, 1989
Secrets feelings about their characters exposed !, 1990
Catching up with Carrington Garland
, 2002

Paul Johansson (Greg Hughes)
Keepin' an eye on Paul Johansson,
Santa Barbara's gorgeous Greg, 1990
A lover of Paris
, 1999

Peter Love (Ric Castillo)
Cruz's hidden brother !
, 1989

Henry Darrow (Rafael Castillo)
Father of A Martinez for the third time !, 1991

Roscoe Born (Robert Barr / Quinn Armitage)
Candidly speaking by Roscoe Born
, 1990
Secrets feelings about their characters exposed !, 1990
10 most wanted : Roscoe Born
, 2000

John Callahan (Craig Hunt)
Tall, dark, sexy and fun !, 1990

Steve Bond (Mack Blake)
Bond is back... on Santa Barbara, 1990
Steve Bond can't wait to leave Santa Barbara, 1990

Terry Lester (Mason Capwell)
Breaking the "Abbott" habit : Terry Lester ditches The Young and the Restless and switched to Santa Barbara, 1989
Santa Barbara causes a crisis !, 1989
Santa Barbara caught off guard as Terry Lester quits, 1990
Terry Lester, an ex-little genius, 1993

Elizabeth Mclellan (Greta MacAdams)
Playing an ex-nun is an old habit for Santa Barbara's Elizabeth Maclellan, 1989

Stella Stevens (Phyllis Blake)
A star from Hollywood in Santa Barbara, 1989
«Nowadays, women are stronger than men !»
, 1990

Richard Hatch (Stephen Slade)
The golden years of Richard Hatch !, 1989

James Healy (Derek Griffin)
A charming, mysterious character..., 1990

Crystal Chappell (Jane Kingsley)
Nothing clouds Crystal Chappell's vision when it comes to knowing what she wants, 1990

Sharlonlee McLean (Annie DeGeralamo)
Half-baked, 1990

Rawley Valverde (Amado Gonzalez)
Any way you read it, Amado means love, 1990

Julie St. Claire (Tawny Richards)
Keepin's an eye on tantalizing Tawny, 1990

Leonardo DiCaprio (Young Mason Capwell)
Leonardo DiCaprio started out on Santa Barbara, 1998

Shell Danielson (Laken Lockridge)
Shell Danielson, 1991
Catching up with Shell Danielson
, 2002

Karen Moncrieff (Cassandra Benedict)
It's all an act, 1991

Roberta Bizeau Weiss (Flame Beaufort)
Kelly's new rivale, 1990

Timothy Gibbs (Dash Nichols)
Dashing, 1990
...And now for all the Gary details
, 1992

Bill Beyers (Jeremy)
Bill Beyers died from AIDS, 1992

Janis Paige (Minx Lockridge)
Make room for daytime, 1990

Gordon Thomson (Mason Capwell)
From Dynasty to Santa Barbara, 1990
Mason Capwell III
, 1990
Nice guys don't always finish last
, 1991
Hotel California, 2003

John Novak (Keith Timmons)
John Novak, 1990

Brian Backer (A. Bartlett Congdon)
Santa Barbara's ingratiating A. Bartlett Congdon, 1991

Chard Hayward (Richard Sedgewick)
Aussie lands U.S. soap role, 1991

Maria Ellingsen (Katrina Ruyker)
Marcy Walker replaced by a stranger of 24 years old !
, 1991

Jack Wagner (Warren Lockridge)
Jack's back !, 1991

What is it about Jack that makes him so sexy, 1992
A love of soap
, 1992
«My true passion is music !», 2006

Wanda DeJesus (Santana Andrade)
Person to person, 1991
No boundaries ! Wanda DeJesus won't say can't, 1992

Nina Arvesen (Angela Raymond)
Nina Arvesen, the sexy superwoman
, 1995

Terri Garber (Suzanne Collier)
«Love gave me forces», 1991

Michael Brainard (Ted Capwell)
You can go home again, 1991

Eileen Davidson (Kelly Capwell)
The new Kelly of Santa Barbara, 1991
Ashley will be the new Kelly of Santa Barbara, 1991
«The best Ashley, it's me !», 2004
«My part saved their life.», 2006

Paula Irvine (Lily "Light" Blake)
Rack'em up
, 1992

Kenneth A. Johnson (Ray Minotta)
Kenny Johnson
, 1992

Eric Close (Sawyer Walker)
Discreet Eric Close, 2006
«I'd have liked to be James Bond.», 2009

Bridgette Wilson-Sampras (Lisa Fenimore)
Pete Sampras meets his match in actress Bridgette Wilson, 2000

Kim Zimmer (Jodie Walker)
Kim Zimmer says story, not cast, will save Santa Barbara, 1992

Sydney Penny (B.J. Walker)
Sydney Penny to follow up Santa Barbara, 1992
«I want to direct a movie !», 2002

Thaao Penghlis (Dr. Micah DeAngelis)
A king of improvisation, 1994

Charles Grant (Connor McCabe)
What a thunderbolt !, 1998

Stephen Nichols (Dr. Skyler Gates)
Zen and the art of soap opera acting, 1992
Hunks everlasting, 2016

Enrico Mutti (Giovanni DeAngelis)
Enrico Mutti : Santa Barbara's hunky priest, 1992
Seen from France

The French love Santa Barbara
France discovers a new kind of series : the soap-opera, 1988

With photos : Cruz and Julia meet their French voices
Michel Bedetti and Deborah Perret talk about their job, 1988

With photos : You know their voices, here are their faces !
The French voices of Santa Barbara are showing, 1989

Why Santa Barbara makes it big in France and other soaps don't
The reasons of a success and a history of the airing of soaps in France, 1991

We can make them talk : Nadine Delanoë
Kelly's first French voice defends her profession, 2001

Santa Barbara : the cultest show of the 80's
A brief historic of the show at the occasion of its return in France, 2001

Extracts of books

The soap opera
analysis of 60 years of American soap-operas, 1994

Santa Barbara
A presentation of the show seen from the United States, 1997

Please, Spell the Name Right
Extracts of
Jed Allan's autobiography, 2005

Santa Barbara
A presentation of the show seen from France, 2007

I'm Just Sayin !
Extracts of
Kim Zimmer's autobiography, 2011

Lightning in the Bottle
Extracts of
Henry Darrow's autobiography, 2012

Reading Between the Lines : A Memoir
Extracts of Janis Paige's autobiography, 2020

Stars In Their Underwear
Extracts of costume designer Diana Eden's autobiography, 2020

Another Whole Afternoon, a Memoir
Extracts of Nicolas Coster's autobiography, 2021

In the backstages of the show

A witch, a Dame, and a Dynasty dropout help Santa Barbara go for General Hospital's jugular 
The novelty Santa Barbara is presented as the new Dynasty, 1984

Santa Barbara's success depends on two skilled writers
At one week of the launching, when Minx Lockridge was still named Birdie Lockwood !, 1984

Santa Barbara : NBC is hoping for a winner in this new daytime drama
Bridget and Jerome Dobson make the promotion of their new show, 1984

Late breaking news 
Soap Opera Digest's news in brief from March to December 1984, 1984

Santa Barbara : NBC's newest soap !
A new soap-opera is announced !, 1984

West coast reporting
Nicolas Coster and other actors are awaited !, 1984

A sneak preview of NBC's newcomer : Santa Barbara
The show as seen by the press before its arrival on the air, 1984

With photos : Santa Barbara arrives with a splash !
Gala party for the premiere of the show, 1984

With photos : Battle of the daytime stars !
The actors play games outside for charity, 1984


Santa Barbara stays home
The shootings on location, 1985

Notes from a member of the wedding
The shooting hour by hour of Kelly and Joe's wedding, 1985

With photos : Santa Barbara celebrates its 200th show !
A surprise-party for Bridget Dobson, 1985

With photos : Santa Barbara is 1 year old
Santa Barbara celebrates its first anniversary, 1985

Bad blood : sibling warfare
The opposition between Eden and Mason, 1985

The show that makes California shaking
The true story of a live earthquake, 1985

With photos : In the words of a famous American philosopher : «Let's Go Crazy» - Prince 
The actors' crazy party, 1985

Most pointless storyline 
A Chinese puzzle-box, a Mexican gang and a loving couple, 1985


Best and worst 1985
Augusta and Lionel marked the year, 1986

Dumbest storylines : a bounced check at the sperm bank
The storyline of the kidnapping of Amy's baby in New Stailand, 1986

The many faces of...
An opinion on the three first interpreters of Santana, 1986

The many faces of...
An opinion on the various interpreters of C.C. Capwell, 1986

TV's greatest scandals !
All the truth about Brick, 1986

With photos : Emmy Awards 1986
All the actors reunited before the ceremony, 1986

Santa Barbara's Cruz and Eden are reunited ! Will it last ?
Eden and Cruz get reunited in Harbor Cove, 1986

With photos : 400 fans dined and sang with the stars of Santa Barbara !
A memorable evening for the fans, 1986

Critics corner : Santa Barbara
Why Santa Barbara deserves to be watched !, 1986

Charles Pratt Jr.
An interview of the show's head writer, as informative as full of humor, 1986


Best and worst 1986
Eden, Cruz and Mary on the front page, 1987

Mary's death
A disappearance remained incomprehensible, 1987

With photos : At the big party of Santa Barbara, Shakespeare played the stars
The shooting of the huge dress ball of the year, 1987

It's wedding bells on Santa Barbara
Mason marries Victoria for better and for worse, 1987

Together in their fantasies
On the shootings in Utah, 1987

With photos : A toast for 1987
The team celebrates the National Day of the 4th of July, 1987

With photos : The three candles of success ! / Eden and Cruz invited me at the birthday of Santa Barbara
The story of the party, 1987

To know everything about Santa Barbara
From the town to NBC's soap-opera, 1987

The creators
Portrait of the couple creator of the show : Bridget and Jerome Dobson, 1987

In the wings of the shooting of Santa Barbara
The secrets of the creation of the show, 1987

Dominic Messinger and Rick Rhodes : Santa Barbara's melody makers
Dominic Messinger and Rick Rhodes work miracles, 1987

Kelly's sumptuous wedding
Kelly marries Jeffrey, 1987

TV's best villains
A profile of... Elena Nikolas, 1987

Diva rates TV's super couples
...And she is hard with Eden !, 1987

With photos : Celebrate !
The actors party, 1987

With photos : The most beautiful Christmas of the stars of Santa Barbara !
The actors celebrate Christmas, 1987


Best and worst 1987
We don't grow tired of Gina and Keith !, 1988

Fashion trends
The most romantic bride : Kelly, 1988

Where's Betty ?
Will you recognize Betty White on screen?, 1988

With photos : A Santa Barbara celebration ! / The party of the fans of Santa Barbara
The fan-club of the show gets pleasure, 1988

How was born the fight between the Capwells and the Lockridges
Bridget Dobson tells her secret in writing Santa Barbara, 1988

Santa Barbara : on the right track
A critic of the show in the beginning of 1988, 1988

Wedding of the year
A Martinez, Marcy Walker and costume designer Richard Bloore tell Eden and Cruz's wedding, 1988

Casting coups
At the occasion of the arrival of Kimberly McArthur, how soaps deal with actors replacements, 1988

All the secrets of the new Santa Barbara !
The arrival of new characters to reactivate the action, 1988

Santa Barbara's fantasy sequences
Gina and Keith in full mutation, 1988

With photos : Feast days in Santa Barbara
The team celebrates the 4th years of the show and its victory at the Emmy awards, 1988

Born to conquer : soap's power elite
C.C. Capwell, an uncompromising father, 1988

Daddy's boys
Difficult relationships between Mason and C.C., 1988

TV's most memorable fathers : an appraisal
Cruz and C.C. best fathers, 1988

TV's most notorious playboys
And the winner is... T.J. Daniels !, 1988

We're the victims : storylines viewers will never see because of the writers' strike
How the strike cost Pamela's life, 1988

«Gimme a break !»
Cain's weird redemption, 1988

Thumbs up : Sister Sarah
A right treatment of disability, 1988

Santa Barbara swap meet
With whom the actors of the show would like to swap their place ?, 1988

Producers pick their show's finest moments
Mary-Ellis Bunim answers, 1988

The galley of romance
The writing of the show told by Anne Howard Bailey and Charles Pratt Junior, 1988

Eden's rape
The genesis of one of the most touching intrigue of the show, 1988

Santa Barbara's rape scene
Director Rob Schiller tells it, 1988

Santa Barbara attacks General Hospital
Santa Barbara sends the opposing soap back to its responsibilities, 1988

New World Television : a spectacular success !
The secrets of the production company success, 1988

Battle of the daytime executives
Bridget Dobson shares her conflict with New World and her regrets, 1988

Mary and Joseph in Santa Barbara
On the shooting of the Christmas episodes, 1988


With photos : Christmas at Santa Barbara
The team of the show celebrates Christmas, 1989

Best and worst 1988
Santa Barbara champion of the year, 1989

The best of the best 1988
Eden and Cruz, still best couple, 1989

The status of the minorities on daytime
What place for the minorities in Santa Barbara ?, 1989

Soap's originals
Cruz, a Hispanic hero, 1989

Characters who have changed
Mason is not the same anymore, 1989

Couples that can't stay apart
Julia and Mason forever ?, 1989

With photos : On the set of Santa Barbara
One day on the shooting of the show, 1989

Wings, dramas and mysteries
The secrets of the shootings wings, 1989

Adriana's kidnapping storyline
A difficult storyline to follow, 1989

With photos : Americans in Paris - An intimate look at Santa Barbara's trip to France
Marcy Walker's diary on the shooting of the episodes in Paris, 1989

The new faces of Santa Barbara
Seven new characters in reinforcement, 1989

Santa Barbara's trip to "The Capwell Zone"
Or the inroad of Santa Barbara into the science-fiction world, 1989

For responsible treatment of alcoholism
How the show well dealed with the problems of Mason, Julia and Lisa, 1989

Santa Barbara celebrates its fifth birthday !
A point on the health of the show in France and in the United States, 1989

Five years of passions, adventures and suspense !
The summary of the five first seasons of the show, 1989

Trouble on Santa Barbara : a star exits; ex-producers sue
Lane Davies' departure and the conflict around the Dobsons shake the show, 1989

Santa Barbara threatened of death !
The reasons of the low ratings in the United States, 1989

Why is a show so hot such a Nielsen Ratings flop ?
An in-depth analysis of the show's failure, 1989

Rating replacement
What to think about Lane Davies' replacement by Terry Lester ?, 1989

The Romeos, heroes and heartthrobs of Santa Barbara !
The actors of the show talk about their female partners, 1989

How not to split up a super couple
A critic of the couple Eden / Robert, 1989

TV's best and worst marriages
What is the best and the worst marriage of the show ?, 1989

Santa Barbara, cult soap for the nineties
Why Santa Barbara is the best soap of 1989 and of the decade to come, 1989


Best and worst 1989
Three love triangles and a fantasy, 1990

The soap star of television
All the genesis of the show, 1990

Who's who : a guide to soap families
Who's who at the Capwells in this beginning of 1990, 1990

Deathbed secrets !
How Mason saved Adriana, 1990

With photos : A Santa Barbara celebration
All the occasions are good to celebrate in Santa Barbara, 1990

Santa Barbara does its revolution !
On the shootings of the new episodes, 1990

What's so great about Santa Barbara ?
Why all the actors are happy to play in the show, 1990

Can John Conboy save Santa Barbara ?
John Conboy becomes the new executive producer, 1990

The new Santa Barbara
Producer John Conboy talks about the new episodes, 1990

Reunited and it feels so good
Eden and Cruz about to find each other again, 1990

With photos : Polo, anyone ? Santa Barbara takes up the sport of kings
On the shooting in location of a polo competition, 1990

With photos : Recreating the Capwell castle
The secrets of fabrication of the new Capwell mansion, 1990

With photos : Santa Barbara celebrates in New York
A party before the Daytime Emmy awards, 1990

With photos : Santa Barbara celebrates its success at the Emmys awards
All the team reunited for the new shootings, 1990

Insight star trek : Why TV's best actors flock to Santa Barbara
And you'll know why everyone turns to Santa Barbara, 1990

The women of Santa Barbara
Eight actresses of the show talk about their part, 1990

Santa Barbara lets four actors go
Four characters disappear in a few weeks, 1990

Is the Santa Barbara cast purge over ?
Who is staying and who is going ?, 1990

Nothing goes well for Santa Barbara anymore !
A grave crisis shakes the show, 1990

Days of our Lives & Santa Barbara : helping to save the planet
The soap-operas fight for ecology, 1990

Capwells in Kelly crisis
Kelly chooses the wrong fiancé !, 1990

A rebounding wedding
A French article about the wedding of Kelly and Robert / Quinn, 1990

Kelly says I do to the wrong twin
An American article about the wedding of Kelly and Robert / Quinn, 1990

With photos : Private eye
The team celebrates the end of 1990, 1990


Best and worst 1990
Kelly, Robert and Craig marked the year, 1991

With photos : The cast of Santa Barbara welcomes you to their big annual party ! / Santa Barbara's bash
Food and dance in Santa Barbara, 1991

Julia loses it
The backstage of Julia's rape by Dash, 1991

A double miracle to save Santa Barbara
The Dobsons are back, 1991

Can Santa Barbara be saved ?
Bridget Dobson takes the direction of the show again, 1991

Can the Dobsons save Santa Barbara ?
Bridget Dobson's projects for the show, 1991

Forget even, Santa Barbara's Mason just gets mad
Un Mason nouvelle version, 1991

With photos : Santa Barbara goes over the edge
In Hawaii, on the shooting of Eden's fall in the ocean, 1991

Eden's real byes
Marcy Walker leaves the show, 1991

Santa Barbara's special guest star Stephen J. Cannell
A special guest star for Eden's departure, 1991

With photos : Santa Barbara says bye bye to Eden
The party of emotion for Marcy Walker's departure, 1991

Two prime-timers and a former Young and the Restless star join Santa Barbara
Welcome to Terri Garber, John Beck and Nina Arvesen, 1991

A reader's view
Two quite relevant reader's letters about the state of the show at mid-1991, 1991

Deadly sniper shatters wedding celebration on Santa Barbara
Who shot Amado ?, 1991

With photos : Santa Barbara celebrates the end of 1991
End of year for the team of the show, 1991


A million-dollar wedding 
A german article at the occasion of the airing of Eden and Cruz's wedding, 1992

With photos : Best and worst 1991
Warren in Moscow, 1992

Most contemporary mom
Portrait of Julia and Samantha, 1992

Dobson out, Pam Long may be in as Santa Barbara head writer
The Dobsons lose their posts as head writers, 1992

Cruz and Eden's divorce
The reactions of the fans after the announcement of the event, 1992

A new love for Cruz
Will Kelly be the new elected ?, 1992

With photos : Cruz circled by flames
A shooting under highly protection, 1992

The wedding-surprise of Julia and Mason
The seamy side of the new union of Santa Barbara, 1992

Santa Barbara, a class act : poor ratings can't dampen this show's spirit
The health of the show in this beginning of 1992, 1992

With photos : The long and winding road
Santa Barbara celebrates the seventies with an episode made of disco and glitter, 1992

Cruz's two loves
The running for the succession of Eden in Cruz's heart, 1992

Building a world for the camera
Richard Harvey tells the creation of the sets of Santa Barbara, 1992

With photos : Santa Barbara celebrates its 2000th episode
For the occasion, all the team has reunited... or almost all, 1992

With photos : Soap families
Santa Barbara gets amused of the rivalry, 1992

Scary slugfest on the set
Jed Allan and Mark McCoy scared their partners
, 1992

Santa Barbara in front of incest
A drama inside Santa Barbara, 1992

Patriot games
On location in Philadelphia and Boston with Eric Close and Christina Brascia, 1992

Julia for the defense
A last big storyline before the end of the show, 1992

Santa Barbara : it's not over, till it's over
What explains the lack of interest for the show
, 1992

Santa Barbara canceled
How did it happen ?
, 1992

Santa Barbara dumped !
he sad announcement of the cancellation of the show, 1992

Life after Santa Barbara
Eileen Davidson, Charles Grant and Stephen Nichols comment on the imminent end of the show, 1992


Going in style
On the shooting of B.J. and Warren's wedding, 1993

With photos : The last adieu to Santa Barbara
The "wrap party" for the ultimate day of shooting, 1993

The dramatic end told by Cruz
A Martinez narrates the last breathes of Santa Barbara, 1993

Santa Barbara's family share memories of a show that was home for eight years
The actors remember their good and bad memories of the show, 1993

Weddings to remember
A retrospective of the great weddings of the show, 1993

Soap opera's 25 most intriguing people : Jerome and Bridget Dobson, creators / head writers
An interview of the creators of the show, 2000

Hotel California
Ten years after the end of the show, actors share their memories, 2003

Where are they now ?
Some news from the Capwell family in 2011