Augusta's chances

 Télé Loisirs, 1992

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In the heart of Los Angeles, Louise Sorel, alias the incredible Augusta Lockridge of Santa Barbara, receives us in her little "sweet home", nested in the greenery of Westwood Village, at two steps of UCLA, the famous university. But although she adores this place, the actress acknowledges being in search of the house of her dreams... in France ! Louise dreams, indeed, only of Normandie and a gentleman farmer from our countries. "I dated only two French men, she entrusts... Without much success until this day, but I keep hoping !"

Woman of taste, Louise Sorel arranged her interior by combining comfort with refinement : mixture of heteroclite objects she found at random of her trips. It is here, not far from the Hollywood studios, that Louise rests between two days of shooting. Since she said goodbye - this time definitively - to Santa Barbara, she takes each morning, since last February, the road of the stages of the new episodes of another soap-opera, Days of our Lives.

" The first time I left Santa Barbara, entrusts Louise, I missed the show terribly. Even if I knew that the actors and environment on the stage had changed, I felt dull of my "family". When I returned in November 89, I realized that everything was really different... In my absence, Augusta had become an alcoholic woman about who one spoke all the time, but who one never saw ! That was not very sympathetic. My role took again a little of consistency, but it was only temporary. It was wanted that Augusta falls in love with Dash Nichols, the rapist of her sister Julia. It did not have any sense since Augusta was very close to her sister and would not have acted like that." Louise does not regret having gone away : "I am honest with myself thus with Augusta."

"When I was proposed a role in another soap, I nevertheless hesitated to leave the show once again... But, like everyone I need to work and earn money. My departure apparently shocked the fans of Santa Barbara who offered an incredible moral support to me. I now play a new character in Days of our Lives. And this role is not without similarities with Augusta. She is simply much more diabolic, and even able to kill ! In short : without moral, but completely charming and full of  vitality ! I really enjoy myself ! It is the prototype of the character the public adores to hate !"