Tall, dark, sexy and fun ! | |||||
By Dawn Mazzurco, Soap Opera Update, 1990 |
all really happy that Santa Barbara
had the
wisdom to sign you to a contract. How do you feel about it ?
Well what can I say ? (laughing) The biggest difference is that I just bought another car for my wife. That's the main advantage. In a more serious vein, there's a storyline that's happening that I'm really looking forward to. Which of course I can't divulge at this point !
So do you think your character will get a little nicer ?
Why ? (laughing) Why does everyone always have to be nice. I mean, enough escapism from reality - let's have a little reality.
But Hunt has been known to have murderous tendencies, right ?
Well, hmm... murderous tendencies. He sometimes gets in a situation where it may be the only way out. But there are parts to Craig that have yet to be seen that will perhaps explain why he's not all a bad boy.
That should be interesting.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. The writers have traditionally written great short little vignettes, and I've come in as a hired gun, no pun intended, and done nice little character turns. Then they didn't know what to do with me because they wrote it so brilliantly evil, that there was no alternative but to cast the demon out. Then the producers would go : "No, no, no, bring him back !" And now they're stuck with me for awhile !
I know you were on Falcon Crest, but have you done daytime television before ?
Yeah, I did a year on General Hospital (as Leo Russell) back in the late eighties.
So was it a big decision for you to return to daytime ?
Not really... (laughing) You've heard of the writers' strike? Say no more. As a matter of fact, if I was gains to work on any soap, I looked around and Santa Barbara not only had a producer that used to work for General Hospital, Jill Farren Phelps, but it seemed to be hiring some really good actors. And the style that the shot it in was a little bit different, the look was different, and the acting was a little bit quirky, and that attracted me, because I'm a little off-the-wall. And plus, it seems to be winning an armload of Emmys every year and there's got to be a reason for that. So I'm finding that it's a mix of relaxed professionalism and they take chances.
If you could plan Craig Hunt's future, what would it be ?
I would like Craig to be somewhat similar to an actor that I admire, that I worked with for a number of years in nighttime, David Selby (Richard Channing in Falcon Crest). I think he's the epitome of the good/bad guy. You were never quite sure, you liked him, but there was always something that would charge your ambivalence to a heightened interest - he didn't leave you comfortable, but he would leave you interested.
Do you see a love interest on the show ?
Oh, that would be interesting (laughing). Let me see, on most shows I'm in bed by the third episode.
So this is a new thing for you !
I know, this celibacy - I don't like it ! I don't understand it. I can just see your headline now : "John Callahan - Celibacy, He Hates It !" You know my friends used to call met the Earl of Towel. My wardrobe consisted of about $2 worth of terrycloth. But now I don't even think I've kissed anybody on Santa Barbara. I guess when you reach a certain age, you go for power as the ultimate aphrodisiac and leave the sex to the kids.
No, I don't think so. I'm predicting lots of sex in your character's future.
Well, Miss Jeanne Dixon, I hope your predictions come true in 1990 !