«I'm very close to Emily Procter» |
By Emmanuel Ducasse, Télé 7 Jours, 2008 |
LaRue remained very friendly with Sarah Michelle Gellar, the unforgettable
heroin of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. Indeed, in spite of their
eleven years of difference, both were launched in 1993 by the daytime soap All
my Children. A saga briefly aired in 2003 on TF1, under the title La
Force du Destin. Eva had auditioned for the role finally entrusted to
Sarah. The producers then proposed another character to her. “As we were the
two newcomers, we shared the same dressing-room”, remembers Miss LaRue.
What does it make to play in the show the most aired in the world (in 212 countries) ?
I measure this record only at the time of my trips abroad. In the United States, CSI : Miami has less impact than Desperate Housewives or Grey's Anatomy. And, in Los Angeles, people are tired : to meet actors in the street does not have anything exciting anymore.
In this show, you play Natalia Boa Vista, expert in DNA analyzes. In the soap All of my Children, at your beginnings, you were a surgeon-neurologist. Do you have yourself a scientific spirit ?
Not at all ! I am annoyed with the figures. At the restaurant, it is a drama for me to calculate the tip to be left.
You joined CSI : Miami at season 4. How did your colleagues welcome you ?
I was a little afraid, but they were super cool. I am close to Emily Procter, who is full of humour. We make shopping rambles with big reinforcement of bank cards ! I also get along well with Jonathan Togo - it is an angel - and Adam Rodriguez, a sexy and generous guy.
What partner is David Caruso, a.k.a. Lieutenant Horatio Caine ?
He goes up to the production for us who does not like that the days of shooting exceed twelve hours. Sometimes, an additional take for a scene is necessary. Then David, who is a perfectionist, claims it for us. He is also the first one to congratulate us when we made some good job. All the actors do not behave like this, and even less when they are the main star.
Is the Californian that you are happy to have left New York to come back to Los Angeles ?
Oh yes ! I lived twelve years on the east coast with cold winters and snow !
Do you wish that your daughter Kaya, 6 years old, would do the same job as you ?
At her age, I was already shooting commercials, but that does not seem to interest her at all.
would you like to have other children ?
I would have liked... I’m 41 years old, we never know ?
Do you have French roots with such a name ?
Indeed, my paternal great-grandfather was French. He emigrated in Puerto Rico. My father is Porto Rican.
What are your hobbies ?
My priorities are my daughter. She takes courses of horsemanship, which gives me again, to me who grew by making obstacles jump courses, a good excuse to do some again.
Do you take part in humanitarian actions ?
Yes, I am implied in the fight against ovaries cancer. This disease killed my maternal grandmother and great-grandmother. I also support prevention against autism.
What are your projects ?
I would like to make more cinema. I played with Samuel L. Jackson in the thriller Lakeview Terrace, a big fan of CSI : Miami. I am a cop of the internal investigations who controls him, because he plays the bad one...