Stainless !

 BGracia Berto, Beautiful, 1991

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These days, Santa Barbara fans are getting excited as the stories on screen get more and more compelling. One of the "hottest" concerns Jed Allan (C.C.), Judith McConnell (Sophia) and Robin Mattson (Gina). During this time, Jed is at work every day. It is a pleasure to meet him and talk to him during a break in a golf play, a sport he is passionate about and in which he enjoys a certain popularity as a player.

Do you like being at the center of such an important story ?

Yes. Before, people of a certain age were almost pushed aside and that happened a lot. I noticed that in a lot of shows. It also happened in All My Children, when I was working on it, and it is one of the reasons that pushed me to leave the series.

Why do you think this happens ?

We don't prepare enough scripts for older people, unless it's a character that appears for a short period of time. But in my case, as I'm the patriarch of the family, it's all about me, and yet and yet it happens that I don't get a lot of opportunities to act... There are people on other shows who have a lot to do, like David Canary (Adam - All My Children), who is my age and plays two characters.

Why do you like working in soap operas ?

Because there is the possibility of perfecting what you do. If you shoot a scene that you don't like or that doesn't work for any number of reasons, you can do it again two or three times, and improve your work that day… I like the atmosphere, I like the medium of television, I like the fact of not having to wait long for a film, without doing anything, waiting for, for example, the lights to be the right ones.

Who do you like working with in Santa Barbara ?

I love my director, I like A Martinez (Cruz) and Judith McConnell (Sophia). A Martinez is one of the nicest people in the world, but there are many other colleagues with whom I get along.

You are known for your activity in various organizations : would you like to talk about it ?

I often participated in the Special Olympics, to help suffering children. Furthermore, I also worked for children with terminal illnesses : when they expressed the desire for me to go and visit them, I went.

What do you do in your free time ?

After trying to play the banjo (a country music instrument), I started golf. I only discovered it at my age and fell in love with it like a kid. Now I spend a good part of my free time on the greens. This year I have already participated in several tournaments. My next goal will be to win. Sooner or later I will succeed.