Catching up with Carrington Garland | |||||
By Suzy Byrne, Soap Opera Weekly, 2002 |
did you have the most fun working with ?
I had fun with all the Capwell family members - Jed Allan (ex-C.C.) and Judith (McConnell, ex-Sophia), and Lane Davies (ex-Mason) was great. He had a wicked sense of humor. I loved working with Todd (McKee, ex-Ted). After he left the show we had a little romance, but we had so much fun when we were just friends. He went in an around-the-world trip with Lane Davies and I met them in Switzerland. There was no snow to ski so we went parapunting, where you jump off a mountain with a parachute and then you sail through the air down a ski slope. It was wild.
Why did you leave the show ?
They wanted to change Kelly. They wanted Kelly to be older and more mature, and they wanted a different person to play the part. (Eileen Davidson, Ashley, The Young and the Restless took over for Garland). Shortly after, the show was cancelled. It has lost his charm.
Who do you keep in touch with ?
I don't keep in touch with anyone. Sometimes, I see Jed. I've seen Todd once or twice in the last couples of years. I've seen Shell (Danielson, ex-Laken) maybe once. But I've seen them all by accident along the way.
Overall, how was your soap experience ?
It was great. The people on Santa Barbara were amazing. Looking back, I didn't realize how good I had it. It was a small group and I worked a lot - about three or four days a week. I learned so much from the show, and it helped me to grow up, too. I learned about being with people and working and being responsible. It was a big job. If I saw any of those people on the street today, it would be a big hug and "how are you ? What's happening ?" It would be a positive thing to see any of them.
Do you give your mother, Beverly Garland (ex-Estelle, Port Charles) any soap advice ?
When she first got the role, she was nervous. "Will I remember the lines?" As actors get older they think they're not going to remember. I said, "you'll do it. You'll be fine." And she was. She had a great time. She also still recurs as the grandmother on Seventh Heaven; she's been doing that for a few years. And she appeared on The Weakest Link. They voted her off first because she asked them to. She said, "I don't want to be here. I'm too scared."
When did you get married ?
I got married four years ago in July. His name is Carlos Goodman, he's an entertainment lawyer.
How did you meet ?
We met on a blind date. A girlfriend of mine set us up. At first, we thought, "I don't know." Then we tried again. It went on and on and here we are. We're married, we have a house and two kids. It's great. He's wonderful and we're happy.
What is motherhood like ?
It's the best thing in the world. I had no idea how much I would love it. I love being a mom. It's hard work, but it's worth it. I'm so blessed to have two beautiful, healthy children. Having a family puts a different perspective on life.
After Santa Barbara you worked in interior design ?
Yes. Somebody asked me to do their house - I had no experience and I didn't know what I was doing, but I say okay. I worked until I became pregnant with my first baby (daughter Tula is 2; son beau was born in January), and then I stopped. I did EMI Music. I did Kristen Johnson's house when she was on Third Rock From the Sun. I did Army Bersnstein's house. It was great - I worked and worked and worked - and then I decided that I didn't was to do it any more. Now, I'm a full-time mom.
What's an average day like for you ? Swimming lessons, playdates...
We actually had swimming lessons today. We go to the park. We have dance lessons. We go on playdates with friends. Then we run to the supermarket, make diner - make macaroni and cheese - and work in the garden. One day I'll probably say, "Okay, now I have to go and do something." But, for now, I want to be around my children. When they turn five or six, they'll start to have their own life and I won't be the center of their worlds, so I'm going to be the center while I can.
Would you like to return to daytime ?
There are times that I miss it. It would be fun to work on another show and maybe I'll pursue that, but I know that it will never be like Santa Barbara. It just won't. Santa Barbara was my first experience, and it was a great experience. I had excellent storylines and I got to work with great actors - Jed was a great actor, Judith was fabulous, Roscoe (Born) was amazing. I grew a lot working with Roscoe. I worked with amazing people and I feel lucky that I was able to do it. So yes, I would do another soap, but it would have to be on the West Coast. I like the shows that the Bells do (The Bold and the Beautiful and The Young and the Restless). I'd even take a recurring part because I don't know if I d want to be away from my children all day. It would probably break my heart.