finally out of hell» |
By Susan Graves, Beautiful, 1990 |
due to overwork, exhausting working hours, impossible schedules, nervous
breakdowns. During two years spent on the set of Santa
Barbara, Linda Gibboney risked ending up in a psychiatric hospital. She
has now given way to Robin Mattson and, for the first time, she feels at peace
with herself.
Even though they left the set of Santa Barbara at different times, the reasons given by Linda Gibboney first and by Lane Davies later are the same : stress due to overwork, exhausting hours, fatigue to the point of mental breakdown. What is going on at the NBC studios ? "I don't know if things have changed now. I hope so," confirms Linda Gibbboney. "But when I was in the cast of this soap opera, my life was hell !" But beyond this stir, the actress keeps good memories of this period and especially regrets the sincere and affectionate friendship she had established with Lane Davies, Mason Capwell in the soap opera, who is now in the arms of her replacement, Robin Mattson.
Off set, when it comes to men, Linda is not particularly demanding : "I like every men : tall and blond or those with thick, black hair. In reality, it's not so much beauty that influences my choices, but rather intelligence, culture, education." But she has not given up yet and remains, for the moment, single.
Linda does not belong to that category of artists who say "acting is my whole life !". When she was in her twenties, her mother forced her to quickly choose "what she wanted to be when she grew up." "As soon as I graduated with a degree in graphic design, I got a job at an advertising agency in New York, my hometown," Gibboney says. "When I was then asked to star in All My Children, I accepted. But as a graphic artist and designer, I didn't feel frustrated at all." Linda, who has also worked on important theatrical works, is now enjoying a well-deserved rest drawing, painting, playing golf and, above all, spoiling her cat, Meowser. "I would like to travel," says Linda, "but I cannot abandon my faithful companion."