«My son is my more wonderful dream !» | |||||
By Isabelle Caron, Télé 7 Jours, 1989 |
Walker softly opens the door. "Come to see the baby." She involves me
while smiling in the nursery where Taylor Walker Collins, her son, makes the
nap, then she tenderly leans on the cradle of this child born "like a
surprise", on February 3, 1989. "My life completely changed since his
arrival. My career, although significant, passed in the second plan. What counts
now, it is my family." The dad, Stephen Collins, with whom she lives but is
still not married - "it is not necessary when one loves each other" -
entirely remakes the house. Cameraman, he even took several months of
holidays to remain near the woman he loves and of their son who celebrates
his nine months old but which is tall and strong for his age. Stephen added a room,
a large garage and an office at the house. He has also remade all the "dangerous
places for Taylor since he creeps everywhere along on his four feet" by
polishing all the corners of the movables and the tables. However,
when Taylor finally awakes, I see a big blue under his eye. "He fell on
the hi-fi, explains Marcy. He frightened us because he cried a long time, him who is always so happy."
Indeed, Taylor goes from the arms of the one to the other as if he knew us since forever. He is interested in the lights and the flash of Cesare, the photographer, and loses his patience when one prevents him from touching there. My earrings finish in his mouth and one removes them to him hardly. Marcy from time to time takes him along on the stage of Santa Barbara. "But I try not to do that too often because over there, he is spoiled too much by all the actors who became friends with the years. The bad habits are quickly taken. They had already offered too many toys to him and tend to give him too many cakes. However, somedays I want to have him near me all day long and he will end up well knowing Santa Barbara."
Marcy is proud to announce to me that she lost the fifteen kilos that she had taken during her pregnancy. "It was not easy. But I made this sacrifice for Eden Capwell. This heroin, to who hold on so much the producers and the writers, must remain beautiful." She will however leave Eden during three weeks, from end of November to beginning of December, to shoot a TV movie in Paris, Perry Mason : The Case of the Desperate Deception, directed by Christian Nyby. "I accepted because I adore Paris. And this time, I take along Taylor and Stephen with me. The last time, when I came to France, for an episode of Santa Barbara, I was alone and I had just been confined. It was very hard, even if I were happy of dining with the readers of Télé 7 Jours at Ledoyen."
Marcy, who won this year the Emmy of the best actress in a daytime soap, is one of the most famous actresses of the American TV and one of best paid. She affirms that she does not intend to give up Eden Capwell-Castillo. "Initially because I deeply love this character, then because I get along well with all the other actors, especially A Martinez who plays Cruz, my husband, and who is an authentic friend, somebody to who I can entrust." While she gives the feeding-bottle to Taylor, sitting in the medium of his bedroom filled with toys, Marcy speaks about the heroes of the famous soap of NBC. "Cruz and Eden always love each other. But they move away a little one from the other. The first love of Eden, Robert Barr, played by Roscoe Born, has came back in Santa Barbara. Eden cannot forget that he had spent five years of his life in prison for a crime which he believed that she had made. And of course, Cruz is jealous."
Marcy does not want to say some more. Not to destroy suspense and then because : "today, it is Taylor who invites you to visit him." We all sit down on the floor to play with him. Marcy speaks to him gently, even some French words like pretty, doll, nice. "I had never been so happy, she affirms by tightening her child in the arms. Stephen is the man I was looking for for a long time. Taylor is the fruit of our love. Somedays I pinch myself because I believe I am dreaming."
In spite of her hard and long days, it is her who take care of the baby in the morning. Then the nanny, Jose, arrives at 8 a.m. and Marcy goes to the studio. At 5 p.m., when Stephen comes back home, Jose leaves them and Stephen keeps Taylor until the arrival of Marcy towards 7 or 8 p.m. . "The evening is the only moment when we can be in family, then alone. They are some very significant moments." And then Marcy reminds me that she will be 29 years old on November 26. "I will be in Paris and we will choose a big restaurant to make a nice party..." Marcy will be able to celebrate her new title. She has just been designated as the most elegant actress of American television by a jury chaired Mr. Blackwen, a fashion designer and a very famous critic in the United States.