TV's best villains

 Soap Opera Digest, 1987

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Villains. Just one of the many soap-opera staples. Some are so evil... so psychotic, they made our blood boil and we're thrilled when they get their come-uppance (Eleanor Norris, Santa Barbara). Others have mellowed somewhat over the years but haven't lost their bite (Palmer Cortlandt, All my Children). Others are just getting their feet wet (Dakota Smith, Ryan's Hope). But, whether they're slightly terrible or worse than awful, one thing's for sure : the soaps wouldn't be half as fun without them. Just who are the most villainous villains on the soaps today ? We've profiled the best of the worst.


Santa Barbara : Eleanor Norris

Home : Santa Barbara, six feet under

Occupation : Villainess

Day job : Private investigator

Favorite target : The Capwells

Favorite weapons : Handgun, torture, blackmail, lying

Greatest accomplishments : Getting rid of Eden for months and making the Capwells and Cruz believe she was dead; kidnapping Mason; generally making the Capwells' lives miserable

Hobbies : Trying to seduce Cruz, sleeping with Pearl, giving massages

Last book read : Sybil, by Flora Rheta Schrelber

Motto : "The only good Capwell is a dead Capwell"