The places of Santa Barbara  .In exclusivity for Santa Barbara : le site Français, they remember the sets of the show !.

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There are many ways to stimulate the memory and to make revive memories. For some of us, a word, an odour is enough... But generally, we just have to re-examine a photo, of to walk again in places already seen, so that your spirit is carried beyond time and open the door of memories. Santa Barbara is a town where places are charged of stories and thus rich of many memories. From the Capwell mansion to the Orient Express, passing by Eden and Cruz Castillo's beach house, here is a little guided visit of the high places of the show...

1. Eden Capwell and Cruz Castillo's second beach house - 2. The Lair - 3. The hospital - 4. The State Street bar - 5. The cemetery - 6. Peter Flint's apartment - 7. The Perkins house - 8. The Figueroa street clinic - 9. Sally Taylor's apartment - 10. The courthouse - 11. The museum - 12. Pamela Conrad's, then Laura and Ethan Asher's house - 13. Santana Andrade's apartment - 14. The Capwell mansion - 15. The Lockridge mansion - 16. Celeste DiNapoli's apartment - 17. The Alvarado street clinic - 18. Pearl Bradford's apartment

The residences
The Capwell mansion
The building . The ground floor . C.C. Capwell's study . The second floor . The gardens and outbuildings . The second mansion
The Lockridge mansion The Perkins house
The Andrade house Santana Andrade's apartment Peter Flint's apartment
The Capwell yacht The Lockridge yacht Cruz Castillo's boat
Sally Taylor's apartment Nick Hartley's apartment Eden Capwell and Cruz Castillo's first beach house
Kirk Cranston's apartment Pearl Bradford's apartment Kelly Capwell's apartment
The Capwell cabin Hayley Benson and Ted Capwell's apartment Keith Timmons' appartment
Gina DeMott Capwell's hotel room Mason Capwell's apartment Victoria Lane's apartment
Julia Wainwright's house Cain Garver's cabin Gina DeMott Capwell's apartment
Kelly Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad's house Pamela Conrad's, then Laura and Ethan Asher's house Kris Kringle's cabin
Major Phillip Hamilton's house Dr. Heather Donnelly's apartment Andrea Bedford and Cain Garver's house
Eden Capwell and Cruz Castillo's second beach house Michael Donnelly's apartment Dr. Scott Clark's house
Celeste DiNapoli's apartment Hollis and Ric Castillo's apartment Mack Blake's trailer
Robert Barr's first house Robert Barr's second house Flame Beaufort's house
Suzanne Collier's apartment Angela and David Raymond's house The Ballymoor residence
Jodie and Reese Walker's cabin
Hotels, bars and restaurants
The beach bar La Mesa The State Street bar
The Capwell Hotel   The Orient Express   Buzz's Place  / Johnny's Place
The Lair The Country-club The Topsy Turvy's
The Pacific Bay polo club The Bar None Howie's diner
The Oasis The Windsurfer bar The Rosas Cantina
Other places
The bus station The hospital Peter Flint's office
Lyman high school The police station The courthouse
  The cemetery The museum The movie theater
The tunnel connecting the Capwell and Lockridge mansions The ghost town   The Figueroa street clinic
The casino The Capwell boathouse Saint Ann's convent
The district attorney's office Dr. Rawlings' asylum The KUSB FM studios
The Abernathy stables The university Dr. Alex Nikolas' laboratory
Julia Wainwright and Mason Capwell's offices The Utah mountains The Last resort agency
  The Laser Palace Pebble Creek The mission of Goletta
   Michael Donnelly's chapel The Alvarado street clinic The offices of the Capwell Enterprises
The offices of the Armonti Enterprises The offices of Capwell & Capwell Crestview high school
The Capwell health club The offices of the Santa Barbara Conscience Angela Cassidy gallery
In exclusivity for Santa Barbara : le site Français, they remember the sets of the show !
A Martinez (Cruz Castillo)
The Capwell mansion :
"This was the scene of so many memorable moments. Some wonderful early stuff from Joe and Kelly, C.C. and Sophia and Mason and Ted, and of course I recall the day that Eden first walked through the front door. She had floated down from out of the sky to land with her parachute all tangled up in the hedge of the adjacent Lockridge estate, where Warren was waiting to give her more attention than she ever wanted from him. Her Capwell homecoming was unforgettable, what with the whole family gathering to present itself for the first time. It is also to the door of the Capwell mansion that Cruz first came when he returned to Santa Barbara, having just squelched an oil rig fire for C.C.."

Kris Kringle's cabin :
"I loved the scenes that Cruz and Eden got to play in this room, with the wonderful actor Chuck McCann, who played Kris. The way Santa Barbara dealt with fantasy was one of the show's great strengths. It delivered the storytelling far beyond the boundaries of what most serialized television shows of the day were designed to explore. The shows where the characters would step away from their troubles for a while and engage with the more dreamlike aspects of life were often wonderful to watch. And they were almost always a lot of fun to play."

Cruz's boat :
"So many moments, two of which immediately stand out. Cruz had to do a scene in a storyline where he was trying to help Joe and Kelly, a scene where he had been shaving when suddenly interrupted by them. All day long, in rehearsals, I practiced the scene as if I had shaving cream on my face, but I never actually used any. At the end of the day, when we finally went to tape it for real, I finally put the real shaving cream on my face. The stuff had an amazingly intense fragrance to it. It smelled to me as if I was suddenly submerged into a giant tub of lime jelly. It was ridiculously intense, this stuff, and suddenly I couldn't remember my lines. At all.

Later, the boat would prove to be the scene of one of my happiest moments ever as an actor : it was on the boat that Marcy first pushed me into a moment of free and genuine bliss. She surprised and delighted me to the point that I just dissolved into laughter - with no sense of artifice. It was the first time in my life that had ever happened. And until it did, I wasn't quite sure if it was possible to do under the demands of "performing.""

Cruz and Eden's beach house :
"I remember Cruz, desperate and alone, drinking till horribly drunk, after Eden was lost in Utah. And Julia coming by to try to rescue him. The two of them were always the best of friends. That never wavered.
And I remember having to leave the house in a hurry one day, in the midst of a driving rainstorm, and being unable to accomplish my exit. Cruz was wearing a long overcoat to face the bad weather. There was a wind machine just off the set, blowing the rain water into his face. Take after take, that wind machine would blow that coat so sideways that it would get stuck in the door. Cruz would throw open the door, lean heroically into the crazy rain, and slam the door behind him as he ran off into the night. Except that every time he ran, he traveled exactly one step before his coat, stuck in the slamming door, yanked him back against the house. The cameras kept rolling, as we'd try it again after we all got done laughing (which took longer each time), and eventually the footage of those repeated, pathetic, and fruitless attempts was played on a "Bloopers" television show that got a lot of attention in the U.S.. I'd like to think that those moments helped to bring a new and larger audience to the show, but that may not be true."

Nicolas Coster (Lionel Lockridge)
"As to the Lockridge mansion... Capwells was bigger ! Yup, they had the largest standing set in television. Ours was richly furnished, if somewhat dowdy... All our sets had a real flair though... some very talented people there as well. I don't really remember much about them (either one). I suppose the scenes with Louise (Augusta) when she was blind and we were doing the paraphrase of Cyrano De Bergerac (with the milkman reading my letters, while I watched the blind Augusta react) were the most fun. The other sets were of course mostly beautifully constructed sets. All the art on the show was so good ! We had the finest staff of Art directors, Set designers, Set decorators, lighting and music in the business !  How nice to see THEIR work remembered."
Richard Eden (Brick Wallace)
"Johnny's was a fun place where they served great seafood in Santa Barbara ! And of course, Amy worked there and I as Brick would visit after work."
Harley Jane Kozak (Mary DuVall)
"The only vivid memories I have are of the Capwell mansion atrium, where I played my early scenes, and also the hospital room where I nursed C.C. Capwell (that WAS his name, right ?)... It was a very long time ago, but the reason I recall the atrium was that I was new to California and the beautiful indoor/outdoor architecture so distinctive to this coast. The atrium for me really represented California, my new home, where I was SO happy to be..."