All the magic of Santa Barbara starts its effects at the end of December 1987 in the appearance in the show of Santa Claus himself. Renamed Kris Kringle, this is Julia Wainwright and Mason Capwell who meet him during an audition of many Santa Claus for a charity gala, before coming to find his track in his cabin, situated "in the North" of Santa Barbara.
Always seen under the snow, the place abounds in colors and in heat. Once the front door crossed, we penetrate into a big lounge with a charged decoration.
On the wall in front of the entry thrones a big fireplace permanently in service. On its right, a door always closed gives access to a magic and livened up place : the workshop of the elves where are made toys for all the children of the world. This is also in this room that is stored the big red sled which Kris Kringle uses only one night in the year. At Christmas 1988, it is Cruz Castillo who will pilot the machine with one of the elves, Kris Kringle having injured himself the day before.
Of Kris' cabin, we then know only a big bedroom, situated on the floor. It is there that Julia and Mason will spend - chastely - the night of Christmas 1987, blocked in the cabin because of the snow falls.