Kelly Capwell




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Identity   Interpreters
Date of birth : January or April 1964

Father : C.C. Capwell

Mother : Sophia Capwell Armonti

Brothers and sisters : Mason Capwell (half-brother), Elena Nikolas (half-sister), Brick Wallace (half-brother), Eden Capwell, Ted Capwell, Greg Hughes (half-brother), Channing Capwell III (half-brother)


Married to : Joe Perkins (1985), Jeffrey Conrad (1987-1989), Quinn Armitage (1990)

Former known boyfriends : Robbie Wentworth (198?), Peter Flint (198?-1984), Nick Hartley (1985-1986), Dylan Hartley (1986), T.J. Daniels (1988), Ric Castillo (1989), Robert Barr (1990), Craig Hunt (1990), Richard Sedgewick (1991), Cruz Castillo (1992), Connor McCabe (1992-...)

Professions : Waitress at La Mesa, advertising executive at Delta pharmaceuticals, employed at the Capwell and Armonti Enterprises


Robin Wright :
July 30 1984 (# 1) to June 23 1988 (# 982)

Kimberly McArthur :
June 24 1988 (# 983) to February 10 1989 (# 1142)

Carrington Garland :
March 24 1989 (
# 1172) to September 27 1991 (# 1808)

Eileen Davidson :
November 08 1991 (
# 1836) to January 15 1993 (# 2137)


Of an assertive but fragile personality, Kelly was for a long time for the televiewer the little Capwell girl for whom he could only be moved. Undecided and doubtless too much spoiled, she will have only  constantly repeated the same pattern in her love relations : a love of reason, followed by a passion for another man, which always lead her to a double break and to a double disappointment.

When Santa Barbara begins in 1984, Kelly celebrates her engagement with Peter Flint, older of a few years, a professor appreciated by her family and in particular by her father, C.C.. But it is another man who occupies her thoughts : Joe Perkins, her big youth love, imprisoned for five years for the murder of her brother, Channing Capwell Junior. She will need a few weeks after his release of prison so that she decides to admit her love for him and to agree to help him to prove his innocence, in spite of the formal bans on her father. Helped of a mysterious informer named Dominic, Kelly allows Joe to identify new suspects and to get back to certain respectability. Finally, she can live radiant her passionate love for this man whom she had never forgotten. She leaves Peter to marry Joe, finally accepted against its will by her family. But Kelly's infidelity drives Peter, who suffers from a cerebral aneurysm, to lose reason. He gets transformed into a redoubtable serial-killer who murders fair young women looking just like Kelly, leaving for only signature a white carnation which he dedicates her. The adventure finishes in a blood bath : Peter is killed by the police after having murdered Joe. But Kelly has for consolation the surprise then the happiness of having discovered that the informer who helped Joe turns to be her mother, Sophia, whom everybody considered dead for years. Shocked by this revelation and by Joe's death, she is psychologically helped by Dr. Marcello Armonti, psychiatrist and Sophia's stepson.

Once she has more or less recovered, Kelly meets Nick Hartley, a photographer, with whom she falls in love. Again, as with Peter, she chooses a man older than her, serious and moderately fancy, close to a father figure. She participates with him in an investigation around Jack Lee, Amy Perkins' boss, whom doubtful behavior leads her to discover that he is not the one that he says to be. Kidnapped by the men of the false Jack Lee, she undergoes a brainwashing and forgets who she is. Nick saves her and takes refuge with her in a ghost town remembering the Wild West. There, they live a passion fed by innocence, until Kelly finds her memory again and thus forgets these moments of happiness with Nick. However Kelly eventually falls in love again with him and even moves into his apartment.

The arrival of Dylan, Nick's brother, turns then this beautiful relation upside down. Attracted by the Dylan's adventurer and nonconformist side, Kelly finds herself mixed up in a treasure hunt in which he is involved. She steals the photos of a treasure map under the nose of gangsters and flees to hide in the ghost town which had sheltered her love with Nick. Dylan follows her and saves in his turn Kelly from the hands of Carlo Alvarez and his henchmen. Kelly gets then closer to Dylan and, one evening when they find themselves stuck aboard a private jet during a business trip, they make love without thinking of the next day. Full of guilt, Kelly eventually admits the truth to Nick, on the eve of their wedding. Their couple is finished, and Kelly gets back to her independence. But even so she does not get rid of Dylan, who every day pursues her and harasses her with his declarations of love. The fragile Kelly begins then to go nuts, and undergoes flashes where Peter takes Dylan's place, reliving through this adventure her previous love story. While she was going to become reconciled with Nick, Kelly undergoes one evening Dylan's coming in the presidential suite of the Capwell Hotel which she had reserved. While he threatens her with a gun, Kelly pushes him through the plate-glass window in state of self-defense, and Dylan has a mortal fall. It is Gina DeMott who finds Kelly in a state of shock, and recovers Dylan's weapon, as well as a videotape which recorded all the scene behind a two-way mirror. But she chooses to hide the tape, proof of Kelly's innocence, to make of it an object of blackmail against the Capwells. Kelly does not succeed in recovering from this drama, and finds herself interned in a mental home.

No luck for her : the asylum is managed by Dr. Rawlings, a false psychiatrist, who gives drugs to her and holds her without any medical reason. Kelly owes her life only to her friend Pearl Bradford who helps her to escape, as well as other patients. But the police is always after Kelly, accused of Dylan's murder. To escape the vindication of district attorney Keith Timmons, Kelly is secretly sent to Switzerland for several weeks. While Pearl has to join her to help her to come back, it is another man, Jeffrey Conrad, who by a combination of circumstances joins her and helps her to escape the police. They get back together to Santa Barbara after many events, in the course of which they learn to know and to appreciate each other.

Kelly is finally acquitted of Dylan's murder when Gina gives the videotape to the authorities, and can live finally in broad daylight her rising love for Jeffrey. She is nevertheless surprised when she discovers that this latter is in reality the son of Pamela, her father's first wife. When she announces to her parents her wedding project with Jeffrey, she incurs C.C.'s wrath, who looks in Jeffrey's past to compromise him. So, the dark circumstances of the death of Jeffrey's first wife lead her to suspect him for a while of being a murderer, before giving him back all her trust. From then on, Kelly and Jeffrey do not leave any more, move together and even share the same office at their new employer, Delta pharmaceuticals. Pamela's reappearance, whom everybody thought she was dead, creates some tensions in their couple, this latter showing herself particularly possessive to her son. Kelly and Jeffrey get finally married in the end of 1987, during a luxurious ceremony which also serves as diversion to allow her brother-in-law Cruz Castillo, wrongly accused of murder, to escape the police. Kelly gets pregnant, but miscarries while she is in a business trip with her mother's lover, T.J. Daniels. Jeffrey is incapable to comfort her, showing himself just as overprotective than jealous. This crisis situation, amplified by Pamela's manipulations on her couple, leads then Kelly to get closer to T.J.. She sees in him the one who is going to help her to get out of her malaise and the routine in which her couple fell, as Dylan had previously personified it when she was dating Nick. But she undergoes then Pamela's attacks which, become crazy, tries to poison her, and she falls into a coma. In her awakening, Kelly wants to make a clean sweep of the past and to break just as much with Jeffrey than with T.J.. But both men do not take the same view and get agree to get rid of Kelly and to share the inheritance. But Jeffrey retracts just in time and even prevents T.J. from committing an unrecoverable error in the evening of new year 1989. Kelly and Jeffrey eventually finally divorce.

In spring 1989, Kelly accompanies her sister Eden in Paris to help her to find her baby, Adriana, who was kidnapped there. She is hired as a maid by Hollis and Ric Castillo, foster parents of the child. At Hollis' death, Kelly is the one who knows best how to comfort Ric, and understand this rebel and vengeful spirit who always lived in the shadow of his brother Cruz. They share a few weeks of passion, before Kelly discovers that Ric is paid by businessman Robert Barr to spy on the business of Capwell Enterprises. She gets involved in the battle which begins to save the family company of Robert's claws, but it is this latter who wins the game. The dangerous but attractive facet of this man leads her to come to his rescue when he knows troubles at the gold mine of El Diablo, Mexico. She helps him to move away from the dangerous mafioso Anthony Tonell a wagon filled with plutonium, even if she risks death by having stand up against this criminal and his henchman Craig Hunt. She falls very fast in love with Robert, what does not go without creating strong dissensions between her and Eden, Robert being her sister's former youth love. Feeling his life in danger, Robert leaves the city by telling Kelly that he has never loved her, so hoping that she does not try to follow him. Kelly feels swindled, and finds some comfort in Craig Hunt's arms, who meanwhile redeemed himself for behavior. But Robert remains for a moment the only man in her thoughts.

Kelly sees her biggest dream coming true when Robert reappears in Santa Barbara a few months later. She does not need much time to give in again to his charm, and she agrees very fast to marry him. But what she ignores, it is that the man who seduces her is not Robert, but Quinn, his twin brother of whom even him ignored the existence. In spite of the attempts of Flame Beaufort, Quinn's mistress, to make their wedding project fail, the ceremony takes place in the Capwell villa in autumn 1990. The very evening of their wedding night, Kelly has a fall in the staircases of their new house thanks to a rope tightened by Flame, and finds herself paralyzed. It is in a wheelchair that she moves in this manor house stuffed with false partition walls and secret passages which Flame uses to make Kelly become crazy by persuading her that Eden and Robert resumed their affair. Drugged by Flame, Kelly has many visions and fits of jealousy towards Eden. It is in a half-conscious state that she assists the death of Robert, the real one, shot by Flame on the house second floor. But everybody believes that it is Quinn who was killed, included Kelly. While she could have been angry at Quinn to have deceived her and get closer to the one that she believes to be Robert, Kelly surprises by realizing that the man she really loved these last weeks is in reality more Quinn than Robert. Pregnant, she miscarries again, because of the drugs Flame gave to her.

Kelly decides then to regain control over her life, and repels the advances of Quinn / Robert and of Craig. To take her mind off things, she accompanies in Washington Richard Sedgewick, an old friend of her parents, who has to give a concert. While they share a moment of intimacy in Kelly's hotel room, Richard makes a heart attack and dies instantly. Fortunately, Quinn is there to help Kelly to move the body to avoid a scandal, Richard being a married man. Kelly appreciates Quinn's sacrifice, and accepts his umpteenth marriage proposal. It is in front of the altar that she realizes that she is not in front of Robert, but of Quinn, the one that she loves in spite of his treason. To avoid him the prison, Kelly offers to Quinn plane tickets so that he flees the country. Again, she ends up alone and aimlessly, having moreover to deal with a terrible drama, the disappearance of her sister Eden.

Matured by all these adventures and all these dramas, Kelly is not however done with her hopeful quest for love. At the beginning of 1992, it is with Cruz, freshly divorced from Eden, that she seems to find a balance. Taken hostage by a desperate Craig Hunt, wanted by the police, she finds in Cruz the man of action and the rescuer whom she always looked for in her relations. But abandoned by him, forces to leave the country, Kelly ends up again alone and distraught. In the contact of police detective Connor McCabe who investigates into Frank Goodman's murder for which Cruz blamed himself, Kelly shows herself at first distant. She then chooses to get closer at first to psychiatrist Skyler Gates. But more attracted by action and Connor’s efforts to seduce her, Kelly comes back on her choice. She requests Connor's help to investigate into Ken Mathis, her mother’s new husband whom she suspects of drugging her. Fallen under his charm, she refuses Connor's offer to reconnect with Cruz and so shows him that she is ready for a beautiful adventure with him.

At the end of the show, Connor, latest fiancé seemed to be in position to finally manage to definitively fulfill Kelly, permanently undecided and, under her sweet looks, always in search of new adventures...

Read also : The couple Kelly Capwell and Joe Perkins . Some carnations for Kelly . Kelly Capwell and Joe Perkins' wedding . Psychological disorders at the Capwells . Kelly Capwell and Nick Hartley's wedding (1/2) . Kelly Capwell and Nick Hartley's wedding (2/2) . Kelly Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad's engagement . Kelly Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad's wedding (1/2) . Kelly Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad's wedding (2/2) . Kelly Capwell and Robert Barr / Quinn Armitage's engagement . Kelly Capwell and Robert Barr / Quinn Armitage's wedding

Exclusive interview Santa Barbara : le site Francais
Carrington Garland
Press articles
Robin Wright
Robin Wright : her dream of having a baby and raising it in France, 1985
The Santa Barbara lovers against star-system and kings of business, 1986
Kelly's sumptuous wedding, 1987
Kelly's way, 1992
Seven reasons to love Robin Wright Penn, 2009
Robin Wright the anti-superstar, 2010
«I'm not bankable», 2011
«My private life is nobody's affair», 2011
Kimberly McArthur
«I am proud to replace Robin Wright in
Santa Barbara», 1988
The next Kelly of Santa Barbara, 1989
Carrington Garland
The role of all hapinesses, 1989
Secrets feelings about their characters exposed !, 1990
A rebounding wedding, 1990
Kelly says I do to the wrong twin, 1990
Catching up with Carrington Garland, 2002
Eileen Davidson
The new Kelly of Santa Barbara, 1991
Ashley will be the new Kelly of
Santa Barbara, 1991
A new love for Cruz, 1992
Life after Santa Barbara, 1992
«The best Ashley, it's me !»
, 2004
«My part saved their life.», 2006
The photos of Kelly

The individual photos 1

The individual photos 2 The individual photos 3 The photos of group
Robin Wright


Other  roles
Pass your mouse over the photos to read the title of the fiction

The individual photos 1

The individual photos 2 The individual photos 3 The photos of group