weddings of
Santa Barbara Kelly Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad (2/2) |
woman with the grace of a princess, Kelly Capwell is, however, not a princess
who has lived in a gilded cage. Marked by drama and a fierce desire for
independence, Kelly is, in reality, a woman whose heart and attachments guide
her life. Each of her actions, each of her choices, each of her dreams, from the
smallest to the grandest, is driven by the beat of her heart... If her heart
races, then Princess Kelly transforms into a woman ready to do anything to make
her desires come to life in the real world. The love that transcends her gives
her exceptional strength and determination : the impossible becomes possible.
The powerful and authoritative C.C. Capwell, her father, has already lost wars
against his innocent little girl in the past. The return of Sophia to the family,
the innocence of Joe, and her wedding with him are battles Kelly fought and won,
almost single-handedly, against her entire family. And today, Kelly loves again.
She has entrusted her heart and love to a man who has become her Prince Charming
: Jeffrey Conrad. It does not matter to her that he is the half-brother of her
half-brother, the son of her father's first wife. She loves him. Period.
Because she loves him with a whole, absolute love, she has decided to offer him more than just a life together - she is offering him the intimacy of her soul. And what better way to do that than to marry him in the gardens of her childhood castle, amidst the scenery that saw her laugh, cry, grow, and blossom... to become the woman she is today !
A fairy-tale garden...
To become the woman she feels inside, Kelly almost feels obliged to return to her roots. Thus, she decides to marry Jeffrey in the garden of the property, in the garden of her childhood. In this part of the gardens, away from the Capwell Villa, away from the tennis courts, Kelly knows this area of the garden is a haven of peace, a refuge that holds many of her childhood memories. The choice of this part of the garden may also be a way of banishing the memory of her canceled wedding to Nick Hartley, a wedding that was supposed to be celebrated in the gazebo.
As she walks with her sister Eden and Cain Garver, Kelly explains the reasons that led her to this corner of the garden. The two sisters reminisce about old memories, and for a brief moment, they see the little girls they once were - two little girls who played hide-and-seek to make their father angry, two little girls who, away from their brothers, could talk freely about their first loves... Recalling these memories even helps Eden forget, for a time, the dramas clouding her life : her paralysis, but especially the fact that her great love is serving a life sentence. As they walk, between past and future, the sound of the fountain covers Cain's footsteps as he walks away. Cain's gaze falls on the various stone walls that line the gardens, the stairs, the trees, the many corners offering plenty of hiding spots, but also places that could slow down pursuers. His gaze takes in the full expanse of this part of the garden, from the stone steps to the cypress-lined walls bordering the estate. As his gaze wanders, his mind contemplates possibilities, and a smile forms on his lips. He has his chance... He has his escape. Now Cain just has to convince the key players !
A fairy-tale garden that, under Cain's influence, is transforming into a minefield, as Cain plants explosives around the large fountain to create a diversion between the ceremony and the reception. Kelly, informed by Eden and Cain, quickly agrees and is thrilled by this possibility : a wedding and an escape... a modern-day fairy tale. And, as in every fairy tale, there is always an evil stepmother lurking around. Today, she is not linked to the young princess, but rather closely linked to the Prince Charming, since she is his mother. In addition to the traditional tensions weighing on the soon-to-be-married couple, a new burden is placed on Kelly and Jeffrey's shoulders : the obligatory presence of Pamela Pepperidge Conrad, Kelly's father's first wife. Pamela, who was once ousted from the villa by Sophia's arrival, now casts the heavy weight of an unresolved past on the Capwell family simply by being there. In fact, at the reception following the ceremony rehearsal, while everyone shares a glass of champagne inside the Orient Express, C.C. feels consumed by an old anger, Sophia is overtaken by an old jealousy, and as for Pamela, she is warmed by the flames of a long-dead love that is now being rekindled. And when Pamela proposes a toast to peace and hope for the union of their two families, C.C. lowers his eyes, and Sophia turns hers toward C.C..
Fairy-tale decor and preparations...
Just like the garden, the villa's atrium is adorned with its finest trimmings, with ivory ribbons and white flowers occupying a section of the space, extending to the edge of the fountain. Kelly, the young bride, is consumed by trivial worries, which Sophia manages, with difficulty, to soothe. Believing she should take a bath to relax, she crosses paths with Jeffrey, who comes to steal a kiss. Kelly manages to slip away without giving in to Jeffrey's advances, as the old tradition warns that the groom must not see his bride before the ceremony. He justifies his quest for a kiss by a classic English tradition. While Kelly appears troubled, Jeffrey is delighted to get his kiss ! Moments later, after climbing a tree, Jeffrey bursts into Kelly's bedroom. Surprised, Kelly eventually succumbs to the innocence of her Prince Charming. There, in Kelly's childhood bedroom, the two of them share a kiss, old of several eternities, a kiss exchanged countless times in the dreams of thousands of little girls. Because it is the dream of a little girl that comes true : a little girl who has found love, the love of a valiant knight combined with the love of a Prince Charming.
As the ceremony approaches, the garden is filled with a sense of agitation. The first guests arrive and take refreshments or canapés with a glass of champagne while Cain checks his preparations. Everything seems in place. The decorators have not touched his personal touch in the bouquets, the trees, or the stones... Yet the garden has transformed. Bouquets of white flowers, tied with ribbons, decorate the large stone urns, floral arches seem to link the trees together to give a sense of unity. A long ivory carpet starting from the fountain creates a path to the altar, while rows of white chairs await the guests on either side of the carpet. A harpist has already begun playing, as if, slowly and softly, the music could bring the guests and the ceremony to life.
Fairy-tale guests...
loving older brother comes to support his young sister. While Mason first finds
one of his Cinderella's shoes, he mainly comes to give Kelly some advice in her
bedroom. On this big day, their quarrels have no place : Jeffrey brings them
closer and unites them; their two halves of a family are now bonded by new ties.
Mason makes his sister promise never to let the quarrels between the Capwells
and the Conrads overshadow her happiness. In a moment of truth, Mason confides
that he admires Kelly's spontaneity and her need for truth; this need for truth
makes Kelly admit that she knows about Samantha. The siblings share a sweet
A sheriff ready to do anything to bring down the eternal enemies. District attorney Keith Timmons is keeping an eye on everything, checking all the details to ensure that his prisoner, Cruz Castillo, is taken away as soon as the vows are said. He also keeps a close eye on the garden, the flower beds, the stone pathways, certain that Eden and her family are preparing a trick to outsmart him. As usual, the Capwells mock him, but Keith reassures himself : the time for revenge is near. When Cruz arrives, Keith reassures the guests, especially the Capwells, to show that he is the master of security : agents can be seen throughout the park. To make his point, he demands the keys of Cruz's handcuffs !
A caring mother, Sophia, full of love, watches over every little detail of the wedding, and at times, must face Pamela, her former rival, with a glance and a few words.
An evil stepmother, reinvigorated by memories of another time, willing to do anything to make this day hers as well. So, to ensure that C.C.'s memory, just like hers, always holds a remembrance of their love, Pamela attaches a brooch, once given to her by C.C., to a fabric necklace. She received this brooch years ago, just before her wedding, from a loving and attentive fiancé, as a token of eternal love. Taking advantage of the fact that destiny is her ally - Kelly has chosen to marry where, years earlier, her father and Pamela wed - Pamela wants to seize this opportunity to push Sophia aside and find herself in the arms of the man she has never stopped loving. That is why she keeps Alex Nikolas at a distance and flaunts herself in front of Sophia, teasing her about this special place filled with eternal love, while playing the romantic lover in front of C.C., who continues to nourish the memory of their past love.
And finally, a loving father, awkward in expressing his feelings, who is preparing to entrust his daughter's heart to another man. On this occasion, C.C. allows his heart to open slightly and confides in his emotions. Kelly can only be touched by her father's words about Sophia and Jeffrey. As she points out, this may be the first time he has complimented his son-in-law. Master of the house and almost of its inhabitants, he admits that it took him time to accept Jeffrey, but the strength and sincerity of his love for her eventually won him over. With genuine sincerity, he wishes his daughter all the happiness she deserves, knowing that Jeffrey might be the one capable of giving it to her.
A fairy-tale wedding...
in a dark tailcoat like the groom and the men of the family, with a pearl-gray
cravat, C.C. waits at the bottom of the stairs of the villa for Kelly to
descend. When she arrives, dressed in her ivory gown, C.C. is at a loss for
words. They leave the villa to board an open carriage drawn by white horses
adorned with a "C", as trumpets sound in the background. The magic of
another time takes over, and Kelly savors this tender moment where dreams and
reality unite to form a fleeting instant, outside of time.
In the park, Ted informs the priest that the ceremony is about to begin. The guests take their seats and fall silent, while a quartet begins playing the opening notes of the wedding march. Under Laken Lockridge's watchful eye, Ted takes his place at the end of the ivory aisle. He is the first of the inner circle to wait for the bride and groom. The guests' gazes turn toward Jeffrey, who walks in arm-in-arm with his mother. Alex cannot help but smile, though a part of his heart feels jealous of the persistent bond between Pamela and C.C. Jeffrey hands his mother over to him. Then, it is Sophia's turn, accompanied by a young knight in shining armor, Brandon. Her white suit contrasts with Pamela's attire. Separated by the aisle, the two women stare at each other : the past and the present clash, each hoping to be the future... There is no witchcraft or magic, yet the exchanged glances speak of a deep and ancient anger in the hearts of both women.
Then, the bridesmaids advance, each holding a bouquet, all dressed in identical peach-colored gowns. First, Julia Wainwright steps forward, followed by Victoria Lane Capwell. Finally, Eden, seated in her wheelchair, is pushed by her brother Mason. Eden's heart is torn between the joy of her sister's wedding and the sorrow of Cruz being convicted of murder. Among the guests, one man, Cain, watches the entire scene from a distance, as does Keith Timmons. Only Cruz keeps his gaze on Eden and holds it on the one he loves. A few seconds are enough for them to express their love and, above all, to give each other strength and courage for the moments to come. Everyone takes their place around the priest as the bride's arrival is hinted at behind the large fountain.
Carried by the music, the majesty of the setting, and the rhythmic falling of the water from the fountain, Kelly, her face hidden behind her veil, walks with her father's arm linked in hers. The guests' gazes glide over her, but her eyes remain fixed on Jeffrey, the man she loves. She walks slowly in her long wedding dress, entirely embroidered with pearls. Her long blonde hair frames her face, bringing just the right amount of solemnity and simplicity. Her long train glides along the ivory carpet. Kelly smiles. Serene, she walks toward the future she hopes, no, the one she knows, will be sweet. Confident in life and in destiny, Kelly knows that with love, anything is possible. This is Kelly's strength : to give so much love to make the impossible possible. Each of her steps on the ivory carpet reassures her in her choice and, if possible, adds more strength to her love for Jeffrey. She loves him. She loves him without superlatives, without conditions, without restrictions. So when she takes his hand and meets his gaze, it is a full and complete surrender she makes, a surrender to their life together... The priest's words move her deeply because they reflect the fire that fuels her heart : the couple must offer support, fidelity, and love... for the family they will build together. It is a commitment where one gives oneself to the other entirely...
Kelly's vows are the translation of what makes her heart beat and live : a total, almost absolute commitment to one another... A commitment with no beginning or end. A commitment that means that each person gives a little of oneself to become someone different, a new person who becomes part of a whole, of a unique whole. Jeffrey's vows echo in unison. He loves her forever. Simply because he has learned and understood what it means to love : that curious and pleasant feeling of becoming one being with the loved one... The rest is an illusion of love. While Jeffrey's words touch Kelly's soul and heart, Eden and Cruz gaze at each other, both becoming more firmly anchored in one another's being, in each other's intimacy. Julia and Mason brush their eyes against each other, hoping that one day soon they will be free to love each other, under Victoria's evasive gaze. Pamela takes this moment to search for C.C. with her eyes, in her quest and need to see the memories of another life rekindled in him.
The pronounced "I do" are almost a formality, as past difficulties have cemented the strength of their love. Then, Mason and Eden hand the priest the rings, which he blesses. By exchanging rings, Kelly and Jeffrey become one for each other : the unity is formed between their two beings. Kelly gazes into Jeffrey's eyes, and the reflection he returns fills her with contentment. They are one. Behind the veil, though Kelly's gaze may seem cloudy, her determination is unwavering. The little girl, the almost fragile little princess, is now strong in her love. Strong enough to build a new life. For here they are, husband and wife, the two elements of one whole. Kelly, like Jeffrey, radiates happiness, eager to live the life awaiting them. Taking advantage of the end of the ceremony, they exchange a passionate kiss, a kiss to seal their love.
As if isolated, they do not notice the tension around them : Keith orders Cruz to leave the premises immediately. Cruz tries to stall for time, while Cain and Eden cannot activate the explosives because of Brandon. Cain moves him aside so Eden can press the detonator. From the flower beds, successive explosions panic the guests. The escape plan is underway... And Keith ends up in the fountain...
Later, Kelly and Jeffrey find themselves in Kelly's bedroom, sheltered from the outside world, to enjoy intimate moments together, away from the families, away from the escape plans; after all, it is their wedding day. There, in the most intimate room of Kelly's life, they truly offer themselves to each other to become the whole they promised to become. Forever. Always.
As in fairy tales, "Forever and ever..."
Forever and ever... As in fairy tales. An eternal love vow. This vow is not engraved in marble or stone, it is simply spoken in a soft voice, in the intimacy of a young girl's bedroom. A vow of love written after so many arguments, so many doubts, to search for each other, to find each other, and to belong to each other.
Kelly and Jeffrey will spend some time on their honeymoon, far from the hustle and bustle of Santa Barbara, to discover each other, to intertwine their lives and destinies even more. With confidence, they begin a new life, but can one escape from ones destiny and family ?
A fairy-tale wedding for a timeless moment, a gift offered to Kelly or Robin Wright to let her go or to make her wish to stay. Did The Princess Bride inspire the writers to give this fairy-tale wedding to the actress who was starting to enchant the big screen ? The reasons do not really matter : Robin is here to offer, in the setting of the Greystone estate, a wedding worthy of Kelly's or Robin's love dreams. A wedding worthy of Robin's talent. A fairy-tale wedding, that is for sure. But a wedding written in the Santa Barbara style : passion, magic, adventure with Cruz's escape, humor with Keith's failure and his fall into the fountain, glamour with luxurious costumes, a carriage, a rich outdoor setting. A perfect wedding in writing, intensity, emotion, humor, intrigue with the interactions between the characters... A perfect balance and fine writing. All the ingredients of the series' soul, as often gathered for a special episode !
Text written for this site by Lilian
Read also : Kelly Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad's engagement . Kelly Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad's wedding (1/2) . Kelly's sumptuous wedding