The weddings of Santa Barbara
Kelly Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad (1/2)


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Inhabited by an absolute romanticism, Kelly Capwell finds unexpected forces when she has to fight to defend the man she loves or to protect her love relationship. In Kelly's eyes, when her heart is in love, it is impossible for her to imagine that the planet and more particularly her family members do not love with the same passion, the same intensity, the same passion, the man to whom she has entrusted her life. Joe Perkins' shadow will always be around her. The shadow of this love which died too early and which could not, due to lack of time, fully flourish, will never cease to push her towards an absolute love, a love shared by all...

Today, Kelly's soul has forged two certainties : she loves Jeffrey Conrad fully and she will have the strength and courage, out of love, to challenge her father and to get married without his presence by her side. She does not really care about Jeffrey's parentage. It is not the past that makes a man. Pamela Conrad's resentment does not determine her character. Besides, has he not abandoned all plans of revenge for love for her ? No, even if her father's words pronounced a few days earlier bear some truth, Kelly knows that Jeffrey is the man of her life. When she dips her eyes into his, she sees love, she sees a future, she sees a long and happy life... She may see the life she could have had alongside Joe...

From a beach by the ocean...

I love him. He loves me. We love each other... That is Kelly's mantra every day. We love each other, Jeffrey and I. These words, his work at Delta pharmaceuticals, Jeffrey's arms, the advertising campaign, Jeffrey's kisses, give her the strength to look forward and to forget her father's last words : I will do everything in my power to make this union impossible.

While they are busy organizing the campaign for Bestial, Kelly is secretly working to plan her wedding. She sets aside her childhood dreams. She puts away her almost visceral need to have her family around her. Driven by the love that unites them, pushed by the objections and constraints around them, Kelly, in a crazy impulse of romanticism on a city beach, offers Jeffrey two plane tickets to Lake Tahoe. Jeffrey does not understand at first. But Kelly's strength of conviction pushes him to accept; Kelly seems so be serene, so sure of herself and her choice. A tender kiss seals their decision as the waves of the Pacific come to shore at their feet, opening to them a passage to the Lake Tahoe shores.

However, Kelly writes a letter to her father and mother explaining their decision because they do not want to understand and accept that she will become Mrs. Jeffrey Conrad without their presence, without their blessing, without their support... And because Kelly loves her parents and she wants them to be there, she puts in the letter the address of a church in a village on the Lake Tahoe shores... Lake Tahoe shores...

Stranded in a small community on the Lake Tahoe shores, Kelly and Jeffrey go to a small church. This one is like the pastor : simple, welcoming and reassuring. There they are welcomed by Pastor Albert Wilka. Although surprised by their request (to celebrate their wedding immediately, in the absence of all guests or witnesses), Albert agrees to celebrate their union. During a brief exchange, Albert quickly acquires the conviction of the certainty of their feelings : these two beings love each other, it is obvious to him.

In order to respect the presence of a witness, Albert invites his wife to join them. This latter is also a romantic being, who sees in this improvised ceremony the victory of love. She offers a bouquet of fresh flowers to Kelly, picked from their garden, to bring some light and color. Then, each one takes his place : Mrs. Wilka behind the organ, Albert Wilka behind the pulpit, and Kelly and Jeffrey in front of the altar. And as Mrs. Wilka is playing the first notes, a couple burst into the church shouting. They are C.C. and Sophia Capwell. Surprised, the pastor tries to relax the atmosphere which is suddenly charged with electricity. At first, Jeffrey asks C.C. to leave the premises. But this latter remains motionless, sure of his stature and aura. Then, Jeffrey punches him in the face. C.C. collapses on a church bench.

Once the agitation and misunderstanding are gone, parents and children can explain and above all listen to each other. C.C. was touched by Sophia's wise words a few hours earlier : if he continues in his stubbornness to refuse the presence of Jeffrey next to his daughter, then he will lose her... He will lose her just as he lost her when she chose Joe. Because for Sophia, it is a certainty : Kelly will always listen to her heart.

Then, in this small village church, under the confident gaze of the pastor, C.C. opens his heart and explains the reasons for their presence here. They did not come to chase Jeffrey away from her life. They did not come to stop her wedding. It is just the opposite. C.C., his eyes plunged in Kelly's eyes, entrusts her that he came to tell her that he wants her to get married in Santa Barbara, surrounded by her family and friends. He admits that, like any father, he dreams of walking with her to the altar, dressed in white. He would be proud of these moments.

Kelly stares at her father. She, who knows him, knows that these words, which cost him so much, can only be sincere. She reads it on his face and in his eyes. She knows it, deep down in her heart. She won. They won, or rather the strength of her love won : her father accepts her wedding with Jeffrey. In a surge of love, Kelly snuggles up to her father. She will not have to choose to cut ties with hers. Sophia and Jeffrey watch C.C. and Kelly embrace each other, sharing a love shared and found again. C.C.'s wide open arms to welcome Kelly and also Jeffrey are like the gates of the Capwell mansion that open to celebrate a new wedding... the garden of the Capwell mansion.

And, a few months later, in a green setting, Kelly will step into her father's arms to marry Jeffrey Conrad. Charged with romanticism, Kelly's kindergarten has all the charm so that the eternal lover can touch, for a moment, an absolute fairytale love...

Text written for this site by Lilian

Read also : Kelly Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad's engagement . Kelly Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad's wedding (2/2)