Mason Capwell




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Identity   Interpreters
Complete name : Mason Lemont Capwell

Year of birth : October 1954

Father : C.C. Capwell

Mother : Pamela Conrad

Brothers and sisters : Elena Nikolas, Jeffrey Conrad (half-brother), Eden Capwell (half-sister), Kelly Capwell (half-sister), Ted Capwell (half-brother), Greg Hughes (half-brother), Channing Capwell III (half-brother)


Married to : Victoria Lane (1987-1988), Gina DeMott Capwell (1989), Julia Wainwright (1989-1991, 1992-...)

Child : Samantha Wainwright Capwell

Former known girlfriends : Patricia Hampton (1984), Sarah (1984), Santana Andrade (1984), Veronica Gayley (1984-1985), Mary DuVall (1985-1986), Janice Harrison (1985), Lily "Light" Blake (1986), Carrie (1988), Sasha Schmidt (1989), Cassandra Benedict (1991)

Professions : Assistant of the district attorney, district attorney, lawyer at Smith, Caulfield & McKenna and at Capwell & Capwell, manager of the Oasis, president of Capwell Enterprises, judge


Lane Davies :
July 30 1984 (# 1) to July 21 1989 (# 1254)

Terry Lester :
September 29 1989 (# 1304) to November 01 1990 (# 1581)

Gordon Thomson :
November 01 1990 (# 1581) to January 15 1993 (# 2137)


Tortured and particularly cynical character, Mason is the elder son of the Capwell children, but also the least loved by his father, C.C.. First of all, Mason is the son of Pamela, C.C .'s first wife, whom this latter never stopped disowning. And then, he always refused to conform himself to his authoritarian father's orders, building himself in opposition to his deceased half-brother, Channing Junior, favorite heir of their father. Mason will never stop, throughout the show, looking for C.C.'s approval by provoking him, shocking him, without ever daring to tell him that in reality, he really loves him.

As assistant district attorney, Mason is, at the beginning of Santa Barbara, in charge of the murder case of his half-brother Channing Junior. If he looks unfavorably on the release of Joe Perkins, the presumed murderer, he takes pleasure to go after Peter Flint, his sister Kelly's fiancé, when the suspicions turn suddenly to him. He satisfies his father more when the investigation leads him to accuse members of the Lockridge family, Lionel and Warren, long-time enemies of the Capwells. Seducer, Mason becomes infatuated with Santana Andrade, before discovering that she was in the past the mistress of his brother Channing Junior, and that of their affair was born Brandon, a young boy whom C.C. forced her to abandon.

At the beginning of 1985, he learns in his turn that Sophia, his father's second wife, did not die and that she is back in town. He then indulges to interrupt the wedding ceremony of C.C. with Gina DeMott, but lets his father discover the truth alone. Disinherited by C.C. for this glorious feat, he loses his job and settles down as a lawyer. He sinks even more into blackness, by working with pimp Ginger Jones and by using Gina as a new target to reach C.C.. Indeed, discovering that she is not pregnant as she claims it and that she risks be thrown out, he encourages her to sleep with him to remedy the problem. Gina, who obeys at first under the pressure, eventually takes pleasure in it. Even after they are surprised in bed by C.C., Mason has to undergo Gina's entreaties, who get crazy about him.

Never outdone of a way to strike his father right in the heart, Mason is delighted to learn that Channing Junior, this so overwhelming half-brother, had for lover a man, Lindsay Smith. Mason makes a video of Lindsay's confessions, which he sends to his father. He eventually announces him verbally this revelation, causing a mild heart attack at his father. It is the disclosure of another secret regarding Channing Junior that Mason makes then a joy to share with C.C. : Channing Junior is not his son, but his sworn enemy, Lionel Lockridge's. The news makes C.C. dive into a coma, a result that Mason was not however expecting in.

But this situation allows him to meet the woman who is going to change his life : Mary DuVall, a former nun who has just left the convent, and who becomes the nurse in charge of C.C.. In her contact, Mason becomes another man, sweet and passionate, and finally lowers his guard. But, jealous of Mary, Gina's little schemes succeed in making them break up. Mason dates then top-model Janice Harrison, who also gets over a break, whereas on her side, Mary gets closer to her former boyfriend back in town, Dr. Mark Cormick. They both get married while Mary believes Mark at the point of death after an accident. Mark survives, and makes Mary unhappy because of his impotence. Mason decides then to fight to get Mary back, and organizes for her a magnificent night in the mountains. At their return, Mary is raped by Mark, and then discovers that she is pregnant, persuaded that the father is well Mason and not Mark. However, Mason's reunion with Mary is short-lived. One evening of storm, Mary is victim of a serious accident : the letter "C" of the Capwell Hotel sign comes off and crushes her on the roof of the building. Mason loses then taste for life and sinks into alcohol. He then goes away for a while from Santa Barbara and returns there a few weeks later, accompanied with his redeemer, an evangelist named Lily Light.

Spreading with her the good word, Mason seems transformed. He begins very fast an affair with Lily, before this latter triggers the fire in the city because of her crusade against the opening of C.C.'s new casino. Mason loses confidence in Lily when he discovers that she is before all a manipulator and has in reality no moral code. The revelation that Lily is in fact Gina's daughter ends their relation. The remedy which Mason then finds in his chronic instability is to be Julia Wainwright, a beautiful lawyer with enough assertive temperament to manage to stand up to him. Avid to have a child, she asks for Mason's participation by a contract signed in due form, which stipulates that Mason gets free of any right on the child to come. If Mason runs by keeping his distances, Julia falls in love with Mason and very fast pregnant. But she does not tell him anything, perturbed to see him dating another woman, actress Victoria Lane. Indeed, Mason met and became attached to this other exile of the society as him, who secretly turns out to be pregnant of his brother-in-law, Cruz Castillo. Not to risk to create a break-up between this latter and his half-sister Eden, Mason asks to Victoria to marry him and to adopt the child to come as his son. At the same time, he hopes, by giving the first name of Channing to the child, to be able to get the Capwell inheritance as expected in his grandfather's will. But in absence of real love, in spite of his efforts, his couple with Victoria does not work and he only succeeds in making her unhappy.

While is born Samantha, Julia's daughter, Mason is victim of a kidnapping orchestrated by his hidden sister, perfidious Elena Nikolas. Held several weeks in the desert, he is saved by Julia, Kelly and Jeffrey, Pamela's second son. Mason does not have time to obtain justice because Elena dies in C.C.'s arms, accusing Cruz of having killed her. While he had learnt by Jeffrey that their mother has died, by committing suicide in the Thames, Mason discovers that she is finally well alive, and back in Santa Barbara on the occasion of Cruz's trial. The defense of his brother-in-law in association with Julia allows him to get closer to her and to assert the feelings that he feels for her. At the beginning of 1988, he divorces of Victoria and moves in with Julia and Samantha.

It is a few months later that are found in the Capwell boathouse the bones of Mark McCormick, Mary's former husband. Mason is suspected and decides to lead his own investigation at the Goletta convent where Mary lived. With the help of Father Michael, the culprit, Sister Agatha, is arrested. But meanwhile, Mason is victim of an explosion in the church, and is presumed dead. He is finally found in Las Vegas by Gina and district attorney Keith Timmons, under another identity. Indeed, since the explosion, Mason sees his personality being divided into halves and takes himself for Sonny Sprocket, a Country music singer. Gina understands the facts and asks Sonny to act as Mason, to help her to benefit from the Capwell fortune. Mason's radical personality change obviously surprises, and a first wedding ceremony between Julia and Mason is interrupted when Julia discovers Gina and Sonny together. Julia eventually understands the trickery a few weeks later, as Mason is about to marry Gina. However, the ceremony is interrupted by a shot which hits Sonny and makes him become Mason again after a short period of coma. During this lapse of time, he finds in Paradise Mary, who reveals him to be his guardian angel and encourages him to marry Julia because she knows that he loves her and that she can make him happy. So, when he wakes up, Mason obeys her and marries Julia.

They open together their own law firm, when Mason is caught up by his old enemy, alcohol. His relations with Julia feel the effects of it, and Mason enters Alcoholics Anonymous with the help of his secretary, Lisa DiNapoli. While a threat named Robert Barr floats over Capwell Enterprises, Mason decides to lead his investigation on this man's past. He leaves hastily the United States without specifying his destination. He reappears only two months later, in the middle of a courthouse, while Julia is accused of the murder of Bunny Tagliatti with whom Mason comes back on stage. He takes his place back beside Julia, however embarrassed to see that Sasha Schmidt, with whom he had an affair in Las Vegas during his absence, is in Santa Barbara and besides hosted at Julia. By using Sasha's information, he leads then a crusade against Anthony Tonell, the dangerous mafioso and lover of this latter, who took control of Capwell Enterprises. Mason is finally obliged to admit to Julia his past affair with Sasha, but the couple brings together again when they find Sasha's corpse in their bed. They hide it then in the Capwell crypt, then in their own freezer, the time to discover who killed her. This rather lively misadventure does not prevent Mason from taking up with alcohol. Exceeded by his addiction and the risks that he makes incur to Samantha, Julia throws him definitively out and obtains the divorce.

Meanwhile, Mason has the surprise to see reappearing Cassandra Benedict, the young orphan raised by the Capwells in his young years, and whom everybody considered dead. He lets himself getting seduced by her and associates her in the creation of the Oasis, a new hotel complex of which he is in the head. He also helps her to accept the sudden revelation on her filiation : she is in fact the daughter of Minx Lockridge, the Capwells' sworn enemy. It is after some time that Mason discovers that Cassandra has in mind another man, Warren Lockridge, whom she met in Singapore these last months. Learning by Augusta Lockridge that Warren is an adulterine child and that he has from Lockridge only the name, Mason is afraid of seeing Cassandra escaping him for Warren, who is forbidden to her for the moment. He hides her this truth concerning Warren and proposes her to marry him. At their engagement party, Mason is hit by a bullet shot by Craig Hunt, and immediately suspects Warren. He finally leaves to San Francisco to marry Cassandra. It is there that he finds besides his brother Ted, left to his search two years earlier. The wedding ceremony is interrupted by Warren, who kidnaps Cassandra and holds her in a cell of Alcatraz old prison. Mason succeeds in releasing her. But back in Santa Barbara, the wedding is not on the agenda any more, Cassandra blaming Mason for his doggedness for wanting to make Warren condemned for the murder attempt towards him.

Incapable for all these months to really forget Julia, Mason proposes again to her to marry him at the end of 1991. At the beginning of the following year, he organizes a wedding ceremony to everyone's surprise during a wake in memory of his uncle Grant Capwell. Finally remarried to Julia, Mason buys for her an old house in Ballymoor. But after some disappointments with the manor staff, Mason and Julia realize that the house is also haunted. Their daughter Samantha in particular nearly dies from a strange disease caught in these walls. Due to his insistence, Mason convinces then Julia to make a second child. But Julia delays getting pregnant and Mason worries about his possible infertility. As they did it during several trials in the past, Mason and Julia are also in confrontation this year of 1992 for a federal judge post, which finally falls to Julia. In December, Mason takes in with Julia a young pregnant teenager, Gracie Lee Lively. While, with Julia, Mason decides to adopt Gracie's baby, Julia discovers that she is pregnant. Mason's last kiss to Julia closes the ultimate episode of Santa Barbara, leaving instead of the isolated and cynical character of the debut a more reasonable and passionately in love man...

Read also : Gina DeMott and C.C. Capwell's wedding . The explosion of the Capwell oil rig . Santana Andrade and Mason Capwell's wedding . Victoria Lane and Mason Capwell's wedding (1/3) . Victoria Lane and Mason Capwell's wedding (2/3) . Victoria Lane and Mason Capwell's wedding (3/3) . Psychological disorders at the Capwells . Gina DeMott and Mason Capwell's wedding . Detour to Paradise, to find oneself better...

Exclusive interview Santa Barbara : le site Francais
Lane Davies
Press articles
Lane Davies
Villain of a different color, 1986
It's wedding bells on Santa Barbara, 1987
«I want to fight for a better world !», 1987
The dream of Sophia et Mason : to live in Paris
, 1988
The secrets of Mason Capwell
, 1989

Terrible Mason, 1989
From Santa Barbara to Paris, 1991
10 most wanted : Lane Davies
, 2000

Catching up with Lane Davies, 2002
Catching up with Lane Davies, 2019
Terry Lester

Breaking the "Abbott" habit : Terry Lester ditches The Young and the Restless and switched to Santa Barbara, 1989
Santa Barbara causes a crisis !, 1989

Santa Barbara caught off guard as Terry Lester quits, 1990
Terry Lester, an ex-little genius, 1993
Gordon Thomson
Dynasty to Santa Barbara, 1990

Mason Capwell III, 1990
Nice guys don't always finish last, 1991
The wedding-surprise of Julia and Mason, 1992
Hotel California, 2003
The photos of Mason

The individual photos 1

The individual photos 2 The photos of group    
Lane Davies

The individual photos 1

The individual photos 2 The photos of group