The summary of 1984 |
1984 |
In Santa Barbara, California, the thrilling and animated life of the rich Capwells, around who gravitate various families from the Lockridges, the rival family, to the Andrades or the Perkins, more modest families but whose destinies know the same torments... It is on July 30 1984 that goes out of prison Joe Perkins, judged guilty of the murder of Channing Capwell Junior five years ago, crime for which he always cried out his innocence. He looks now for rehabilitation and especially the true murderer, while trying to reconquer Kelly Capwell, his former love, now fiancée to Peter Flint. Joe's return also divides his family, her father John always believing him guilty. During this time, Sophia Capwell, Channing Junior's mother and ex-wife of the family patriarch, C.C., is back to Santa Barbara, disguised as a man, Dominic. Everyone believes her dead, drowned years ago, following an accident on the yacht of Lionel Lockridge, her lover. Santana Andrade, on her side, turns to be the mother of Brandon, the child of Channing Junior with who she had an affair before his death. C.C. forced her to give him up and made him being adopted by an old friend, Stockman DeMott and his wife, Gina. Santana is now determined to recover her son. She asks for help Mason Capwell, the elder son of C.C. and his first wife, Pamela. Santana's parents are employees of the Capwells for years, Rosa Andrade is the housekeeper and Ruben, the gardener. The Capwells and the Lockridges are, in more of being direct neighbours, enemies for generations. The tension increases again more when Augusta and Lionel Lockridge's daughter, Laken, begins a love affair with Ted Capwell, the youngest child of the family. Other couples get also constituted between the sea rescuer Warren Lockridge and Summer Blake, Gina's sister, or Danny Andrade, Santana's brother, and Jade Perkins, Joe's littlesister, whose dream is to make career in Hollywood. It is little of time after the return in town of Eden Capwell, Kelly and Ted's sister, that occurs a big earthquake which shakes the town and costs life to John Perkins. |