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October 2003


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On stage
Robin Mattson takes the way of the studios again

Robin Mattson again on the American televisions : the ex-Gina DeMott Capwell of Santa Barbara joined the soap The Bold and the Beautiful since last September 29. She is there Sugar, a disturbed and psychopath prison guard, who sows terror within the famous Forrester family. For the moment in contract for a few weeks, Robin could see the duration of her role increasing if the public likes her character.

Robin had not played for television since her departure of All my Children in May 2000 (see the News of April 2000).
Santa Barbara online On American television

A date to look for

A date to note in red on your calendars : Thursday October 30, 2003. It is this day that will be officially on line a new site on the net, Santa Barbara Videos : le site Francais.
As its name indicates it, this site will be the video version of Santa Barbara :
le site Francais, offering to rediscover the strongest and the most romantic moments, but also the funniest and the most animated ones of Santa Barbara in the form of video clips to download. This long time project matured and finally materialized for the greatest pleasure of the fans of the show throughout the world. Only one date : Thursday October 30, to finally discover on Santa Barbara : le site Francais the address of this new site called to live rich and long years...

Instinctive A Martinez

American televiewers who can watch the cabled channel Lifetime, you are lucky : on Monday October 06, the channel will air Killer Instinct : From the Files of Agent Candice DeLong, a new TV movie with A Martinez ! A plays there Bobby Mazariegos, lover of profiler Candice DeLong's, who offers his assistance to her to track a dangerous serial-killer who threatens her best friend. A story written from real Candice DeLong's autobiography.

Meanwhile, A Martinez finished the shooting of the movie Isla Bella, a comedy where he plays El Comandante, an old dictator going to decline (A has been artificially made old for the role). The release is planned for the end of the year in the United States.

In theatres in the Etats-Unis Homage
Robin Wright delayed

The Singing Detective, the movie by Keith Gordon with Robin Wright Penn, will have known many torments. Acclaimed at the time of cinema festivals in the United States, it has however knew many hypothetical release dates in the theatres throughout the year (see the News of February), before finally making its official release on the American screens this October 17. The film is announced like a cult movie, and not only because it includes Robin !

This end of year 2003 will also see the release of Virgin, written and directed by Deborah Kampmeier and produced by Robin herself. Robin will be the sister of Jessie, a girl who thinks of being pregnant by the action of God.

Lastly, among Robin's projects (in more of those we already spoke in the News of June), is Empire Falls, a TV movie for the cabled channel HBO, that she has just begun to shoot. Robin is there Grace Roby, the daughter of a restaurant manager in a small town in Maine.

Peter MacLean

With a little late, I made a point of paying homage on this page to the actor Peter MacLean, deceased on last May 28 in Los Angeles. Among very many roles for television and cinema, Peter MacLean had played two characters in Santa Barbara : the first Mr. Abernathy   (owner of the stables where Ted and Jake work) and the minister who marries Kelly and Jeffrey in 1987.

Santa Barbara digest

Julio and Kelly

They had been ousted, but here are back to the control of Santa Barbara, Bridget and Jerry Dobson, the creators of the show. That occurs of course in Hollywood. The couple plans to comfort the new Kelly, played by Carrington Garland, victim of a big disappointment, thanks to a beautiful love-story with a crooner. Who could be Julio Iglesias or, failing this, Engelbert Humperdink.
(Note : Role finally played by Chard Hayward)

Extract from Télé Star, 1991

Happy birthday this month to...

01 : Stella Stevens (Phyllis Blake)

03 : Jack Wagner (Warren Lockridge n°3)

04 : Meg Bennett (Megan Richardson)

06 : Michael Durrell (Dr. Alex Nikolas)

07 : Christopher Norris (Laura Asher)

08 : Ria Pavia (Elaine Berkowski)

09 : John O'Hurley (Stephen Slade n°2)

10 : Marisol Rodriguez (Carmen Castillo)

18 : Jon Lindstrom (Dr. Mark McCormick)

23 : Warren Burton (Major Phillip Hamilton)