Press |
many weeks of of expectation, the first issue of Santa
Barbara Anniversay magazine is finally released (see the News of
01/03) ! Realized by a German fan of Santa Barbara, the
magazine contains thirty pages, with articles and interview, photos in
colors and even a poster. Since January (the date it was awaited), the
magazine has changed of cover... and of price. It can be ordered via the
site of E-Bay.
Jane Kozak as a writer, second part ! |
Jane Kozak had promised it : her first novel, Dating
Dead Men would not stay without a continuation (see the News
of February 2004).
One year later, is published today in all the good American bookshops Dating
is Murder, the continuation of this first book. The ex-Mary DuVall
of Santa
Barbara finds again there her heroine of Dating
Dead Men, Wollie Shelley, confronted this time to the
disappearance of her best friend, but above all to the research of the
ideal man who will make a perfect father for her... A lot of humor and
some very actual thoughts about the status of the single women and the
drifts of the medias
make of this second work a novel to enjoy without waiting anymore...
Born is restless |
news will ravish his many fans in the United States : Roscoe Born
(ex-Robert Barr and ex-Quinn Armitage) will rejoin The Young and the
Restless. The actor will play there the character of Tom Fisher
since April 07. The Young and the Restless is always one
of the last soaps not to have welcomed Roscoe in its walls. The actor has
indeed already appeared in Ryan's Hope, One Life to
Live (see the News
of January 2003),
Santa Barbara, The City, All my Children,
Days of our Lives, As the World Turns and Guiding
Light (see the News
of July 2001).
Divorced with Roberta Bizeau Weiss (ex-Flame Beaufort) with who he has a
daughter, Alberta Mary, Roscoe is now a single man.
nominations at the 32th Daytime Emmy awards |
nominations at
the 32th Daytime Emmy awards felt today. And guess who get
nominated in the category of the best outstanding lead actress ? For the
third consecutive year : Nancy Lee Grahn (for General Hospital)
gets herself confronted to Kim Zimmer (for Guiding Light). A
little more of surprises on the other hand in the other categories, since Jack Wagner (ex-Warren Lockridge)
is nominated for the Emmy of the best outstanding lead actor for The
Bold and the Beautiful, Crystal Chappell (ex-Jane Kingsley) for
the Emmy of the best supporting actress for Guiding Light,
and Justin Deas (ex-Keith Timmons) for the Emmy of the best supporting
actor, also for Guiding Light. Results of the votes on May
20, on the CBS.
Wagner in songs |
Wagner as a singer ? The actor has already been seen in action in Santa
Barbara and The Bold and the Beautiful (see the News
of February 2004),
but not on a scene. It is now done with two first lives organized in April
in the United States. The ex-Warren Lockridge went back also in studio
in order to record a new album, named Dancin' In the Moonlight,
which will contain Goin' Back
Again, the song he interpreted last year in The Bold and the
Beautiful. Jack Wagner plays the character of Dominick Marone
in The Bold and the Beautiful for almost three years.
screens |
point on the cinema and television appearances of the formers stars of Santa
Barbara in the weeks to come... On February 24 is released in
the United States The Mongol King, which marks the return
on screens of John Considine (ex-Grant Capwell). The film, directed by
Anthony Vallone, tells the investigation of a journalist on the past of
one of her professors. On March 02, it is the turn of France to welcome
on its screens the last movie of Téa Leoni Duchovny (ex-Lisa DiNapoli), Spanglish
(see the News
of 12/12). Finally,
the American televiewers will be able, on March 11 on Disney Channel, to discover Jane
Sibbett (ex-Jane Wilson) in the TV movie Buffalo Dreams,
where she plays the character of Blaine Townsend. Jane is besides
currently occupied to double Joy, one of the characters of the animated
movie Charlotte's Web, which will be released in June 2006
in the United States.
She then approaches, behind the micro, nobody else but
Julia Roberts, Kathy Bates and Steve Buscemi !
Meadows divorces |
the main page of the wordly news
: the divorce, after fourteen years of marriage, of Stephen Meadows
(ex-Peter Flint) and his wife Leeza Gibbons. The couple has three
children, Alexis, Troy and Nathan. The actor has not played in front of a
camera since 1999.
Callahan out of the door |
was for a year that ABC was launching rumours about this subject, it is
now official : John Callahan is fired from All my Children.
The ex-Craig Hunt of Santa Barbara played there the - very
appreciated - part of Edmund Grey since 1992. It is besides on the stage
of this soap that he had met, then married in 1996, Eva LaRue
(ex-Margot Collins), before their divorce last year (see the News
of August). ABC
explains its decision by economy needs, which push it to get separed of
many actors of its daytime programs. The fans of All my Children
stay without voice...
book of the month |
six (long) months of wait, Jed Allan's autobiography has finally been
released in the United States (see the News
of July). Please, Spell the Name Right !,
co-written with Rusty Fischer, recalls Jed's theatrical, cinematographic
and televised career, Santa Barbara in head. Jed talks of
course of his professional experiences in front of the cameras, but also
of his colleagues, his friends and his family. Published by
McKenna Publishing Group, the book can be ordered from the
site of the publisher
: Virginia Mayo (1920-2005) |
Mayo, named in fact Virginia Clara Jones, died this January 17. She was 85.
Great American actress, she was, at the occasion of her last roles, the
touching Peaches Delight in Santa
Barbara in 1984. Her carreer on screen begins in 1943 in the
movie Jack London. Then follow between others The
Princess and the
Pirate, The Best Years of our Lives, White
Heat, The Flame and the Arrow, Captain Horatio
Hornblower, King
Richard and the Crusaders,
where her partners are James Cagney, Bob Hope, Gregory Peck, Burt Lancaster
Ronald Reagan. In 1947, she marries the actor Michael O'Shea (deceased in
1973), with who she will have a daughter, Mary Catherine in 1953. These
last years, she made herself more discreet, favouring her family to the
stages of cinema and television. Virginia Mayo died in Thousand Oaks,
California, of a heart failure.
also : an
article about Virginia Mayo
screens in the United States |
and television : two screens to look for if you stay in the United States
this month of January. First on January 14, Paula Trickey (ex-Tonya
Vargas) will be Claire Harriman in the mystery TV movie McBride : Murder Past Midnight
on The Hallmark Channel.
The following day, on January 15, it is Richard Hatch (ex-Stephen Slade)
who will have the honors of the good theaters, starring in The Rain Makers,
a dark and violent movie.
You will then have to wait until January 30 to refind Paul Johansson
(ex-Greg Hughes), in the movie Farewell to Raskolnikov's.
Paul plays there Jake Benjamin, an egocentric but talented writer who get
proposed a weird deal from a publisher : he will be published if he
accepts to make her a child. A strange film to discover...
Finally, we expect a lot of Nine Lives, the last movie of
Robin Wright Penn (ex-Kelly Capwell), which will be presented in premiere
on January 24 at the Sundance Film Festival.
Robin is Diana, one of the nine women of the title, who tries to escape
from her everyday life, at the sides of Glenn Close, Holly Hunter and
Sissy Spacek (see the News
of 08/30).
Walker reverses the engine |
Walker has finally not finished the contact with All my Children
! Whereas she had refused the producers' offer to appear only occasionally
in the soap and had prefered to leave definitively the program
(see the News
of 10/17),
the actress came back on her decision at the end of December. Marcy has
indeed accepted to play in a few new episodes which will be aired next
week in the United States. While waiting for some new sporadic
appearances during this year ?
Lane Davies |
knew Lane Davies
as an actor, a singer, a theater director... He is now a professor ! The
ex-Mason Capwell is indeed going to dispense some lessons of interpretation
of William Shakespeare's works at the Dalton state
college center for continuing education, between next March 07 and 28. The
actor will be also on stage on February 04 and 05 in the part
Romeo and Juliet, at the Scherr
forum theatre of the countrywide performing arts center of the Thousand
Oaks civic arts plaza, with his company, the Kingsmen Shakespeare company
(source : Starring
Lane Davies).
Press |
a German fan's initiative, an English-speaking press magazine about Santa
Barbara will be published this month : Santa Barbara
Anniversay magazine
has been especially created for the 20 years of the show. In full colors,
it welcomes in its pages an "exclusive" interview of Lane
Davies. A
page of presentation
has been created for more details. An initiative to salute.