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November 2002


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On the American television
Lane Davies' double re-opening

If he already starred in News of last month, Lane Davies has this same honor this month by creating the event once again : the actor indeed yielded to the advances of the producers of General Hospital while accepting to join the cast of the famous soap this month ! From mid-November, the ex-Mason Capwell of Santa Barbara will become Cameron, a new doctor-psychiatrist of the most famous unit of care of the United States.

A return to the sources for Lane, who had begun his acting career in 1981 in Days of our Lives, already in the role of a doctor ! It will be in particular the unhoped occasion to see being reformed on screen the mythical couple Julia and Mason, since Nancy Lee Grahn plays Alexis Davis in the same show for six years now. An great event we did not hope for any more...

On stage Santa Barbara digest

Kyle Secor's big adventure

A Wrinkle in Time is planned to be the mini-series of the month on the American television : based on a novel by Madeleine Engle, this TV movie in several parts tells the somewhat magic adventure of two children discovering the world. And it is Kyle Secor (Brian Bradford, Pearl's brother in Santa Barbara) who will take part in their periplus, through the character of Hank. To discover in November and perhaps soon in France.

In short

Jack Wagner (ex-Warren Lockridge) will be Jeremy in Cupid's Prey by Dale G. Bradley. The released is planned at the end of the year.

After In the Company of Men in 1997, Stacy Edwards (ex-Hayley Benson) is again in the center of a very personal intrigue on the world of deaf-mute people in Speakeasy, directed by Brendan Murphy. The film, which has just been shot, will be released at the beginning of 2003 in the United States.

Erratum, heading analyzing the errors in the scenario

Each summer, the writers were confronted to a problem : Lane Davies took two months left to play parts of Shakespeare at the Georgia festival. In 1986, Mason disappears two months after Mary's death. In 1987, the writers imagine a total new subterfuge : after some strange phone calls, Mason is being kidnapped by Willy, paid by Elena Nikolas who wants the death of the Capwells. This kidnapping happens in n°729 in June 1987.
Mason can obviously not disappear from the screens for two months, then Lane Davies shoots the same day all the scenes in which he will appear in the 60 next episodes. Indeed, the abduction lasted 59 episodes, from n°729 to n°788 (August 1987) and during this period, Mason appeared only in twenty scenes (in numbers 729, 730, 731, 736, 744, 750, 758 and 763). That explains why the action does not move much during these two months. Willy absolutely seeks to make Mason sign a document relating to Eden : Mason refuses to yield because he knows that he won't be useful for them any more once he will have signed.
Days pass by and Mason still does not want to sign, however his kidnappers use all the ways to convince him (beating ups, cowl, diet and even electric shocks !!). Mason finishes by being released by Kelly, Jeffrey and Julia at n°788 : he ends up being avenged from Willy, who dies electrocuted (eye for eye...). The affair of the document to be signed thus seems to have been a lure to occupy Mason in the absence of Lane Davies, but no one never knew what told the famous document ! Only the scenario writers must know it... About that, why did Elena lay the blame on Mason and Eden and not on Kelly and Ted ?

Extract of Santa Barbara Tribune n°2, July 1993

Happy birthday this month to...

04 : Todd McKee (Ted Capwell n°1)

12 : Vincent Irizarry (Dr. Scott Clark)

16 : Tricia Cast (Christie DuVall)

17 : Brandon Call (Brandon DeMott n°4)

23 : Michael Brainard (Ted Capwell n°2)

24 : Roscoe Born (Robert Barr, Quinn Armitage)

26 : Marcy Walker (Eden Capwell)

28 : Jane Sibbett (Jane Wilson)

29 : Charles Grant (Connor McCabe)

30 : Gina Gallego (Santana Andrade n°3)

        Sherilyn Wolter (Elena Nikolas)