Jodie Walker




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Identity   Interpreter

Maiden name : DeWitt

Married to : Reese Walker (197?-...)

Children : B.J. Walker, Sawyer Walker


Former known boyfriends : Cruz Castillo (197?), Dr. Micah DeAngelis (1992-1993)

Professions : Police detective, councillor for the victims of domestic violence at the hospital


Kim Zimmer :
March 27 1992 (# 1933) to January 15 1993 (# 2137)


Married to Reese, a police officer just like her, the dynamic Jodie Walker lands to Santa Barbara in spring 1992. It is the idea of finding there her youth friend Cruz Castillo which decides her to go to a reunion party of high school alumni. Delighted to find Cruz, Jodie is seduced by his proposition to join, with her husband, the police forces of the city.

If Jodie gets along well with Reese and their son Sawyer, it goes otherwise with B.J., her daughter, with whom she often gets in conflict. But her work within the Santa Barbara police motivates her amply, especially the defense unit for assaulted women into which she invests a lot of herself. She thus comes to help Connie De La Vega, a housewife whom she encourages to leave the marital home to escape the violence imposed by her husband.

It also appears very quickly that Jodie was formerly very close to Cruz. She kept with him a great complicity, which does not go without making Reese sometimes jealous. The arrival in town of Frank Goodman, an old friend of the couple, is going to enlighten of another light the past relation between Jodie and Cruz. After several weeks of embarrassment, it indeed turns out that Frank has in the past raped the young B.J.. While the truth is discovered, Jodie is taken hostage by Frank, who threatens to kill them, she and Cruz. Jodie chooses then this moment to confess to Cruz a secret kept for such a long time : he is B.J.'s father, conceived during their youth adventure. When Frank is mysteriously found dead, Cruz, suspecting B.J., blames himself for the murder and leaves the United States. Jodie finds then herself alone in front of her past, being obliged, in front of Reese's suspicions, to admit the truth to him.

Immediately abandoned by Reese, Jodie draws from her strength and her inenarrable energy to support her children, alternately accused of Frank's murder. While Sawyer runs away from California to Boston, B.J., as for her, is arrested and undergoes a heavy trial where all the details of her abuses are detailed. Jodie finds some comfort with Dr. Micah DeAngelis, with whom she leaves to Boston to look for Sawyer and Aurora, Micah's daughter. If she rather tends to squabble with him at first, Jodie eventually falls under his charm and begins an affair with him. At least for a short duration.

Because the wedding of B.J. with Warren Lockridge offers to Jodie the opportunity to get closer to Reese. This latter thus agrees to forgive her and to give a new luck to their life as a couple. A luck for Jodie, even if he has a last ordeal to cross : to tell one day the truth also to B.J....

Press articles
Zimmer joins Santa Barbara cast, 1992
Cruz's two loves, 1992
Kim Zimmer says story, not cast, will save Santa Barbara, 1992
Extracts of Kim Zimmer's autobiography : I'm Just Sayin !, 2011
The photos of Jodie
Kim Zimmer


Jodie and her family

Jodie and men

Jodie and the others