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October 2000


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October 30 1985 - October 30 2000
The French anniversary of Santa Barbara

Already now ! Santa Barbara celebrates this month its fifteen years of existence on the French screens. It is indeed on October 30, 1985 at 7.00 p.m. on the channel TF1 that appeared for the first time, taking the succession of two Brazilian shows, this soap of a new kind... At the beginning, the channel had announced only 80 episodes of 20 minutes, "to test" the program on the French public. But as of the first episodes, it was the success which one knows and who did not contradict oneself until 1992, the year when TF1 started to move the show from one schedule to another, while making it by the same time lose a great number of its faithful fans...

Read all the events of the diffusion of Santa Barbara in France
and come
to sign the petition for its return !

Stories of contracts...

Vincent Irizarry persists and signs

The fans of good Dr. Scott Clark will be glad to learn that Vincent Irizarry is not ready to know the pangs of unemployment : the actor indeed has just signed a new four-year contract for the soap All my Children. He plays there Dr. David Hayward since 1997.

Melissa Reeves : the confirmation !

The talks which were told to you right here last month ended in for Melissa Reeves : the actress will take again her role of Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux in the soap Days of our Lives from the 13 of this month (more details in the News of September).

Private life Santa Barbara online

A new site is born in September on the net : Judith McConnell & Jed Allan : The web site. As regards to its name, it is entirely dedicated to one of the most romantic couples of the show, Sophia and CC. Beyond all the story of the couple, you will find, in English, the biographies and filmographies of Judith McConnell and Jed Allan, some photos, press articles, audios extracts... A great site to urgently discover !

Tricia Cast gets married...

In July, I announced to you the divorce of Tricia Cast (ex-Christie DuVall); in October, I announce to you her wedding ! The actress indeed married Bat McGrath, a country music songwriter. Moreover, she asked the production of the soap The Young and the Restless where she plays, since 1986, the character of Nina Webster Chancellor Kimble McNeil the right to break her contract to move in Nashville with her new husband.

... and Colleen Dion gives birth !

The one who was the Robert Barr's one night stand in 1989 gave rise to a little Viviana Laurentia on last 8 August. This is the second child for Colleen and her husband Larry Scotti. The actress, known in France by the fans of The Bold and the Beautiful (she was there Felicia Forrester between 1990 and 1992, then in 1997), plays since last year Leslie Coulson in the soap All my Children.

On stage...

Wanda DeJesus does her cinema...

Wanda DeJesus, the fourth of the four actresses to have followed one another in the role of Santana Andrade (between 1991 and 1992), will star in the first film of Laurence Fishburne as a film-maker, Once in the Life. The film will come out on November 3 in the United States.

Moreover, Wanda is awaited in the next film of John Carpenter, Ghost of Mars, currently in shooting, on the sides of Joanna Cassidy, Ice Cube and Pam Grier. This story of a human colony possessed by Martians phantoms is awaited on the American screens at the beginning of 2001...
David Haskell (1948-2000)

The actor David Haskell, who was Nick Hartley, lover of Kelly between 1985 and 1986, died last 30 August in Woodland Hills, California. He had just celebrated his 52 years on last 4 June, while knowing himself seriously threatened for several months by a brain cancer.

David Haskell had deserted the stages since 1989, year of his last role on cinema in the movie K-9. In 1992, he had lent his voice to a character of the TV show Batman : The Animated Series.

In spite of his great discretion, he will have left a great memory to the fans of Santa Barbara through the sympathy and the determination which showed through his character of the photographer Nick Hartley. We are in all the cases not ready to forget him...

Happy birthday this month to...

01 : Stella Stevens (Phyllis Blake)

03 : Jack Wagner (Warren Lockridge n°3)

04 : Meg Bennett (Megan Richardson)

06 : Michael Durrell (Dr. Alex Nikolas)

07 : Christopher Norris (Laura Asher)

08 : Ria Pavia (Elaine Berkowski)

09 : John O'Hurley (Stephen Slade n°2)

10 : Marisol Rodriguez (Carmen Castillo)

18 : Jon Lindstrom (Dr. Mark McCormick)

23 : Warren Burton (Major Phillip Hamilton)