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April 2004


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The 31th Daytime Emmy awards Santa Barbara online
Good luck Nancy !

Here are the same again : the nominations for the 31th Daytime Emmy awards have been announced a few days ago. Like last year, can be found among the nominated ones in the category of the best outstanding lead actress : Nancy Lee Grahn (for General Hospital) and Kim Zimmer (for Guiding Light).

The ceremony will occur on next May 21 and will be aired on the American network NBC.

We crosses the fingers for Nancy... And we hope, without too much wickedness, that it will still not be an Emmy that the ex-Jodie Walker will hold in her hands next month...

The sites of video clips on the net...
...Or how to live again the better moments of Santa Barbara without having at home the show on videotapes.

For a few months, many internet sites propose to (re)discover some unforgettable moments of Santa Barbara in the form of a few minutes downloadable clips. To help you to identify them without forgetting any, here is an quite-exhaustive review...

Two sites are specialized in the unique offer of videos extracted from the show :

Santa Barbara Videos : le site Francais, little brother of Santa Barbara : le site Francais, was born on last October 30 (see the News of November). It proposes some clips from the whole show, all periods and all characters mingled. At the beginning of April, 86 clips were available to download.

Starring Lane Davies is, as its name indicates it, dedicated to the first interpreter of Mason Capwell. Specialized also exclusively in video clips, it proposes a selection of clips of Lane Davies in Santa Barbara, but also in various other productions.

Some sites dedicated to actors or characters of Santa Barbara also propose a section of videos to download.
It is the case for example of : the official website, Nancy Lee  -  the website, or the Russian site The Site of Mason and Mary.
The two first ones have each one their own discussion forum where this is not rare that fans post clips of the show relating to the concerned characters (thus essentially Mason, Julia and Mary). Moreover, the official site of Lane Davies proposes since March The Mason Chronicles : some clips of Lane in his first years in Santa Barbara, commented on the site by Lane Davies himself !

Lastly, it remains to announce the presence on the German site California of a page of clips dedicated to various heroes of the show.

All these addresses and some others ones can be found in detail on the new page of the Links of Santa Barbara : le site Francais.
On stage
A summer in Tennessee

This is with Crockett, by Himself, that he had already played in 1996, that Lane Davies decided to come back on scene this summer with his own theatrical company, the Santa Susana Repertory Company. Two representations are envisaged, on July 28 and 29 at the Cumberland County Playhouse in Crossville, Tennessee. If you go by there during your holidays...

Victorious Eva LaRue

Eva LaRue Callahan (ex-Margot Collins), currently in the soap All my Children in the United States, also goes up on scene. On April 2 and 4, she will play in the part The Women Of Nine, at the Latea Theatre in New York. The other topicality of Eva is her victory at the Gracie Allen awards, in the category of the best outstanding lead actress (for All my Children). She will receive her award at the time of the ceremony which will occur on next June 22.

In American theatres
Andrew Masset, who was in 1986 Joseph, Augusta's lover with who she leaves the town, will star on April 30 in Bobby Jones, Stroke of Genius. The film tells the life of Bobby Jones, famous American golfer.

Happy birthday this month to...

06 : Judith McConnell (Sophia Capwell n°2)

08 : Robin Wright Penn (Kelly Capwell n°1)

16 : Peter Mark Richman (C.C. Capwell n°1)

17 : Timothy Gibbs (Dash Nichols)

21 : Chip Mayer (T.J. Daniels)

22 : Joseph Bottoms (Kirk Cranston n°1)

22 : Steve Bond (Mack Blake)

28 : Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia Wainwright)