My favourite links


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Sites about the show

Santa Barbara
A lot of technical informations and among other things a lot of episodes summaries of a big part of the show.

The chronology of the great events of the show and informations about its cast.

Santa Barbara Blog
In Italian and English, press articles and exclusives interviews.

Santa Barbara in music
In English and French, download the songs and the instrumentals which accompanied the greatest moments of the show, classified by characters.

Sites of videos

Santa Barbara Videos : le site Francais
Hundreds of videos around Santa Barbara : promotions, reports, interviews of actors, bloopers...

We don't say goodbye
In Russian, a forum to download many episodes in English, French, Russian...
(to visit with navigator Google Chrome in order to benefit of the simultaneous translation)

Sites dedicated to actors

Robin Wright website
Filmography of Robin Wright, recent photos, videos...

Nancy Lee -  the website
Biography and filmography of Nancy Lee Grahn, press articles, videos, a forum...
Photos, videos, articles, quotes around Judith McConnell.