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Episode 820

Jake reappraises the turn which his career is taking and hesitates in his choice to play an actor in Mel's film. But Hayley succeeds in persuading him of the benefits. Cruz's trial resumes. Keith calls Gina to the stand. Gina tells everyone that Pamela suddenly was living another lifestyle some days after her arrival in the city. Pamela then explains that she accepted 100 000 dollars from C.C., but only with the intention of her leaving Santa Barbara.  Keith questions C.C. finally and declares to suspect him of having paid Pamela with the intention of perjury in the court to exonerate Cruz. The trial ends and jurors leave to deliberate. Eden accuses her father for this act and to be the possible reason of the conviction of Cruz, by having destroying - even involuntarily - the only means of defence which he had...

An amusing special effect: Jake's picture on the huge advertising poster for The Beast answers his questions by a twinkle!

Episode 821

Everybody waits for the end of deliberation of the jury in Cruz's trial. In the presence of Kelly, Pamela announces to Jeffrey that she has decided to stay in Santa Barbara after their marriage. Finally, the verdict comes: Cruz is found guilty of premeditated murder. He continues proclaiming his innocence facing jurors. Eden asks Carmen to be strong, whilst they are waiting for the sentencing. Pamela tells Alex that she knows that it is him that she saw leaving the Laser Palace the evening of the murder and asks him to speak to the police. C.C. loses his temper against Gina. Gina collapses to the floor in front of the entrance of the court. Eden joins Cruz and, by getting up from her chair, asks him to keep hope...

Episode 822

Keith arrives while Gina is lying on the floor. He drives her to the hospital and promises retaliation to C.C.. C.C., just like Sophia, requests Kelly to abandon the idea of inviting Pamela to their marriage. But Kelly is offended, reminding them that she is Jeffrey's mother. Alex tells Pamela that he saw Cruz and C.C. with Elena's lifeless body in the Laser Palace, but that he is unaware who killed her. Cruz goes back to the cell and asks to accept no visitors. Carmen and Cain however come to see him and Cruz pretends to cope. But Eden doubts his resistance and joins him. Cruz completely lost hope in fact and speaks about their relationship with Eden as about the past. In the hospital, Keith is worried to see one very young doctor, Dr Scott Clark, taking care of Gina's state. When she wakes up, Scott tests her sight and Gina understands that she does not see anymore...

First appearance in the series of Dr. Scott Clark.

Episode 823

Victoria claims some drugs from Mel. Victoria now is paying for her own consumption. Shortly afterwards, Victoria and Mel find Julia and Mason having dinner at Johnny's. With Mason being too drunk to go back to work, Victoria takes him back to their flat, while Mel walks Julia back to her home. He offers her a "tonicr" in the form of cocaine, which Julia is offended by. Eden asks Cain to help her to walk. Lionel comes to listen to Sophia's concerns on her marital difficulties with C.C., while C.C. visits Pamela and demands that she leaves Santa Barbara. But she then threatens him to leave and taking her two sons and Kelly with her. Scott explains to Gina that her blindness may only be temporary. Gina wants to hide the truth from Keith, but he ends up noticing it. After a violent brawl with Keith across the bars of his cell, Cruz has nightmares of seeing the walls getting closer and suffocating him...

Episode 824

Mason offers to his mother to remain living in Santa Barbara. C.C. asks Kelly and Jeffrey to abandon the idea of inviting Pamela to their marriage. Kelly then threatens him with getting married in Las Vegas far from any family. C.C. tells her of very serious disagreement with Pamela, but refuses to explain. T.J. asks Scott to allow him to keep the plasters another week, so that he continues staying at Laken and Ted's place. Mel announces to Jake that his benefit as an actor did not persuade him, but some new stages in his film could better suit him. It is entirely removed stages of love that Jake refuses. Mason goes on the set of the film and finds Victoria in full stage naked, in the bed with her partner. He puts an end to the scene. C.C. comes to see Gina in the hospital to be sure that the blindness is very real. Gina asks Scott to get him outside of her room...

Episode 825

After the incident on the filming set, Victoria accuses Mason for not trying to understand her and for not loving her. She places an order with Mel for a large quantity of cocaine. Jeffrey is discontented that Mason offers to buy a house for their mother without having consulted him. Cruz appears in front of an audience for sentencing.  Judge Larson condemns him for prison with a non-parole period of 25 years. Everybody is under the impact, while Cruz sinks in silence. Julia and Mason plan to appeal without big hope and feel guilty. Eden turns to Cain to think about the only alternative which she sees possible: an escape. She comes to speak about it to Cruz in prison, but he refuses any help and asks her to leave him alone...

After a first trial in episode 770, the original musics and songs are currently definitely replaced in the French version with original compositions signed by Jean Renard (see the News of February 2003).

Episode 826

Mason visits the home of his mother next to the ocean which he gave her. Pamela shows it to Kelly and Jeffrey and offers them to come to live with her. Julia asks Victoria if she takes drugs. Tori answers her negatively, offended. She then gets worried about the 5000-dollar withdrawal which made to pay Mel, fearing that Mason notices it when paying for Pamela's home. She asks Julia to loan her the money by inventing an excuse. But Mason already realised that the money is missing. Scott takes the time to show Gina some tricks to help her to live with her blindness better. He meets Hayley and Jake and proves to be an old friend of Jake's from high school. Gina asks Pamela to help her to pay the hospital bill, but Pamela refuses. Shown the door by Ted, T.J. asks Scott to take away the plasters. Kelly shows Eden and Cain the site of the Capwell property where she chose to organise the ceremony of her marriage. Cain finds the place suitable for Cruz to escape from there. But in the prison, Cruz refuses this idea...

Episode 827

Cain and Eden think about the plan of escape for Cruz. Eden speaks about it to her parents, but Sophia makes her promise to say nothing to Kelly about it. Kelly requests Keith to authorise Cruz to come to her marriage, but Keith proves to be inflexible. T.J. announces to Laken and Ted of the plan to open a nightclub. Gina gets from C.C. to be gracefully accommodated in guest house of the Capwell property in exchange for the abandonment of any claims against him for her accident. C.C. then comes to announce to Ted that he is going to have to leave the guest house to place Gina in there. By discussing with Jesse, his companion in the cell the getaway, Cruz thinks about Eden's plan and announces to her that he is ready to attempt this adventure...

Episode 828

Gina becomes established in the guest house at the Capwell property. While Keith is with her, Scott visits and proves to be very attentive towards Gina. Pamela invites Victoria, Mason, Kelly, Jeffrey, Julia and Alex to a small party in her new home. Alex feels guilty of his silence by hearing Julia and Mason speaking about Cruz. Pearl and Cain prepare the acquisition of explosives for Cruz's escape. Kelly speaks about golf with Judge Larson to cajole her and to get Cruz's freedom for the time of the wedding ceremony. The fellow prisoner of Cruz, Jesse, succeeded in obtaining a weapon. As Cruz refuses to follow him in his plan of escape, he arranges to make him leave the cell and takes Keith in hostage. Cruz arrives to help and releases Keith, before Jesse is slaughtered by a security guard. To thank him for having saved his life, Keith authorises Cruz to attend the marriage of Kelly and Jeffrey...

A young actor replaces Justin Gocke temporarily in the part of Brandon DeMott Capwell.

Episode 829

Jeffrey surprises Kelly by organising a romantic party inside of a truck for their first adventures. Gina agrees to invest 10 000 dollars in T.J.'s plan to buy back The Purgatory. Laken is made responsible for persuading with her charms the owner of the box so that he agrees to sell it to her and T.J. for retail price. Agreement ends without worries. Gina and Scott begin going out together and join Hayley and Jake in the Purgatory. C.C. informs Ted about the plan of escape for Cruz during the marriage of his sister. Sophia tells C.C. that she lost any confidence in him after the lies about Pamela...