Manuel Mondragon




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Identity   Interpreter
Child : Raul Mondragon      

? :
September 22 1989 (# 1299) to
September 25 1989 (# 1300)


Manuel Mondragon is an old man who seems to carry years later, with the same punishment, the death of his son Raul. This son was at the dawn of his life, working on the Capwell yacht and seemed to be happier than ever.

It is a tired man that Cruz Castillo finds at the Las Sirenas clinic. He starts talking to him about his son, but they are interrupted several times : first by Craig Hunt, then by Eden and Rafael.

It is on the grave of this son that he tells the whole story to the policeman coming from Santa Barbara. While working for the Capwells, Raul was killed by Robert Barr during a reception on their yacht. And even though this latter was imprisoned in San Sebastian prison, he still has not found some peace. Though unable to do so, he dreams of avenging his son's death.

Cruz comes to give him hope. Their meeting ends with a handshake, and Cruz's promise, not to avenge Raul, but to provide answers and to convict the culprit.

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Manuel