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Profession : Assistant of Dash Nichols at the Blue Sky Brigade


Bill Beyers :
August 21 1990 (# 1529), December 20 1990 (# 1615), January 21 1991 (# 1633)


Jeremy is actively involved with the Blue Sky Brigade and may be one of the president's closest assistants. Jeremy gives Dash Nichols Ric Castillo's dictaphone, found in the train immediately after his disappearance.

Beyond their relationship within the Blue Sky, Jeremy and Dash seem to like each other. It is certainly because of this friendship that Jeremy comes to see Dash to explain to him that he must temporarily move away from the ecological association, because his reputation and the trial for Julia Wainwright's rape damage the image of the Blue Sky Brigade. Dash remains deaf to his arguments.

And some time later, it is still Jeremy who comes to announce to Dash that, following a meeting of the direction, he is no longer the president of the Brigade. The new president is now Fred Mauldin - Mason Capwell having in the shadows worked for this change...

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

Press article
Bill Beyers died from AIDS, 1992
The photos of Jeremy
Bill Beyers