Hank Judson






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Identity   Interpreters
Year of death : 1985

Former known girlfriend : Gina DeMott Capwell (198?)

Profession : Dealer




? :
December 05 1984 (# 92) to December 13 1984 (# 98), January 16 1985 (# 121) to January 17 1985 (# 122)

Victor Bevine :
March 13 1985 (# 160) to April 30 1985 (# 194)


It is during one of Summer Blake's flashback that Hank Judson makes his first appearance in Santa Barbara. We discover that while he was dating her sister, Gina, in Atlantic City, he raped Summer one evening on the beach. At her death, the first suspicions of the police focus on Hank, whom Mason Capwell finds in Los Angeles. But Hank has an alibi for the night of Summer's murder and he is left in peace.

A few weeks later, learning that Gina is going to marry the wealthy millionaire C.C. Capwell, Hank goes to Santa Barbara. As he knows all the sulphurous past the young woman, he has the idea of blackmailing her by demanding money against his silence. Gina, desperate, does not know how to react, and even tries to reverse a night Hank with her car. Missing her target and victim of an accident, she starts taking painkillers with which she quickly becomes hooked. In need, she turns to Hank, whom she asks to supply drugs. Hank exults to see Gina at his feet.

But Hank does not stop there and decides to ration Gina with her precious pills. While he finds her one day rummaging his apartment looking for drugs, Hank refinds his former violence and rapes Gina. This latter, humiliated but still suffering withdrawal symptoms, brings Hank in the tunnel between the Capwell and Lockridge mansions pretexting to buy new drugs to him. But Hank finds her armed with a revolver, eager to end the pressure he exerts on her. At the appearance of Ted Capwell who surprises them, Hank gets the gun and threatens his assailants, just prior to the occurrence of a collapse. Hank dies instantly, crushed by falling rocks. With him die for a time the secrets about Gina's past, of which he was himself one of the terrible pillars...

The photos of Hank

Victor Bevine