Danny Andrade




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Identity   Interpreter
Complete name : Daniel Andrade

Father : Ruben Andrade

Mother : Rosa Andrade


Sisters : Santana Andrade, Olivia Andrade, Gabriella Andrade

Former known girlfriend : Jade Perkins (1984-1985)

Professions : Student at Santa Barbara city high, waiter at La Mesa


Rupert Ravens :
July 30 1984 (# 1) to May 22
1985 (# 210), October 08 1985 (# 307) to October 22 1985 (# 314), March 04 1986 (# 406) to March 10 1986 (# 410), June 13 1986 (# 479), November 26 1986 (# 594) to December 03 1986 (# 598)


Dynamic and full of vivacity, Danny is the younger son of the Andrade family. Faithful to his family and to his Hispanic origins, he will however live most of his adventures with his friends, Ted Capwell, Laken Lockridge and Jade Perkins.

It is maybe his modest background which obliges Danny to work as a waiter at the restaurant La Mesa rather than to frequent the benches of the high school, and to dream in a star's career in Hollywood. It is moreover while being noticed by a movie director at the Santa Barbara beach that he obtains the chance to realize his ambition. With his best friend Ted and the young Jade he is secretly in love with, Danny thus leaves Santa Barbara for the capital of cinema. If he finally does not obtain the big role he hoped for, he lives the time of some weeks the excitement to frequent big restaurants and famous actors. Danny even manages to play Jade's devoted admirers by taking her out from the hands of an unreliable producer who wanted to make her shoot a pornographic film without her knowing.

Back in Santa Barbara, Danny continues to make every joke possible with Ted and the band. First of all, he helps his friend to take revenge for Mr. Bottoms, his old quick-tempered professor, by bringing a dromedary in his classroom. Then, he participates in the investment in a rather pitiful hotel, the Frisky Business, which turns out to be a brothel.

Danny has however more chance with his love story with Jade. Once his rival Warren Lockridge spread, Danny succeeds in being loved by Jade who, until there, saw in him only a simple good friend.

It is during 1985, while Jade and Laken have left Santa Barbara, that Danny knows some darker hours. Confronted with fights between gangs, he is saved from a sure death by his family's friend, Cruz Castillo. After he has been arrested by the police for driving under influence, some problems of cocaine addiction make him come back on the front of the scene at the end of the year 1986. Incapable to pay his dealer, Angel Ramirez, he owes again his life only to Cruz, who manages to render Angel harmless. After a few days at the hospital where he finds his old friend Ted again, Danny disappears definitively from the show, without that his fate being really sealed...

The photos of Danny
Rupert Ravens

Danny and his family

Danny and women

Danny and the others