weddings of Santa Barbara Sophia Armonti and Ken Mathis |
the game of love, C.C. and Sophia Capwell let themselves too often be lost at
the whim of chance. Despite a sincere love, they do not manage since Sophia's
false death to regain the strength of this love, which led them in the arms of
each other. 1992. A few weeks ago, when Sophia aspired to return to C.C., she
gave up her place to Santana Andrade, after having discovered that she was
expecting a child. In the face of this child, she cannot fight... Today, it is
much more than pushing two people to separate; it is destroying a family,
breaking a child's dreams...
Faced with her destiny, of free heart, Sophia commits herself to a new life : she goes back to business, as often, and takes back the reins of Armonti Industries. Her emancipation is such that she literally breaks with her old lifestyle. She moves into Kelly and Jeffrey's former house, and registers for a fitness class where she soon catches the eye of Professor Ken Mathis. Ken is a very different man from C.C.; beyond the physical differences (age, hair color), Ken is a man attracted to money (the continuation of the storyline will show us that Sophia is far from being his first victim). And, when he notices Sophia, he sees only a new potential prey; with her, he could get Armonti's money, but also perhaps a part of the Capwells'.
Today, C.C. is again an available heart (following Santana's miscarriage, they decided to put an end to their affair) and he tries to win back the heart of the one he never ceases to love. Proof of his involvement, he goes one evening to Sophia with a bottle of champagne, with the mad desire of a new evening of love between them. Sophia welcomes him in a bathrobe and announces that she is going to marry Ken tonight. Sophia has turned the page of their story : she feels (rather, believes) that her life is now in Ken's arms.
Beyond the surprise, C.C. is very worried to lose Sophia and to see her blossom in the arms of another, another in which he has no confidence. Ken's arrival prevents C.C. from explaining his fears, from justifying the doubts that animate him. Ken thanks C.C. for the bottle and takes the opportunity to officially introduce to C.C. the future Mrs. Ken Mathis. Ken, with a smile, knows that he must leave them alone, that he must not intervene, that he must let C.C. act alone. Pressed by time, C.C. behaves as he knows how to, he asks, almost orders Sophia not to get married, not to make this mistake. On the defensive, Sophia is exasperated by C.C.'s behavior, who still dares to order her to do or not to do... Certain of Ken's love and of her desire to spend the rest of her life with him, Sophia no longer cares about C.C.'s love declaration. She explains to him that she loves Ken, that she is sure of her choice and confident in the new life that opens up to her. It is for all these reasons that she asserts that all the opposition he gives to move her away from Ken gives her the strength and the conviction to get married this very evening.
Taunted by the smile of his rival who savors his victory, C.C. has no choice but to bring down his last card. Up against the wall to both save the one he loves and to win her back, C.C. asks Sophia to question Ken about the money he accepted. The veil rises on the dark negotiations between C.C. and Ken. When Ken left Gina Jeans (Ken had been hired by Gina on C.C.'s orders) for Armonti Industries, C.C. decided to counter-attack. In secret, he offered Ken money to leave Sophia and Santa Barbara. Ken accepted $250,000 from C.C. to break up and leave... Sophia seems overwhelmed by these revelations. Caught off guard, Ken explains that he wanted to show all C.C.'s baseness, all his abilities to plot, to play against Sophia. Ken swears that he does not want C.C.'s money. Confident in Ken and his feelings, Sophia writes a check to C.C. and orders him to leave. She is tired of C.C.'s shenanigans, she knows what he is capable of. And when their eyes cross, C.C. understands that he lost.
Beaten, humiliated, but not yet defeated, C.C. throws himself with his last forces in the battle. And, as the ultimate provocation not to lose face, he kisses Sophia with all the passion of despair. It is as if, by this kiss, he could tell her his feelings, all those words that he is perfectly unable to pronounce... C.C. needs this kiss to cling to the memories of their past life, and so make Sophia come back to him. C.C. needs this last kiss to prove to Ken that there will always be, yes always, love for him in Sophia's heart.
Ken rushes to separate them. He grabs C.C. to attract him to him and especially to snatch him from Sophia. Turning around, C.C. hits Ken in the face with a violent punch. Ken falls to the ground. Defeated. Sophia and C.C. give each other a last look : do they exchange a promise for the future ? Half sorry, half despising, C.C. leaves the house. On his way out, he meets Ted who goes in and falls in front of a surreal scene : Ken, like a frightened child, snuggles in Sophia's protective arms. Before the "I do" is pronounced, this scene offered to Ted's only foreign gaze gives the vision of what will be Sophia and Ken's marriage... A failure.
Comforted by Sophia, Ken must then face his mistress. Invited by Sophia, Andi Klein brings the dress and shoes for the bride. If Ken tries to show himself strong in front of Andi, he does not manage to destabilize the young woman who, as a rejected lover, is worried about the reasons that push Ken to marry Sophia. Would he love her in secret ? Even if Ken certifies to her that this marriage is not a love marriage, he tries to show Andi that C.C.'s $250,000 are not enough and that he wants more. During their discussion, the guests (Julia and Mason) and Reverend Williams arrive. The men are in tuxedos and Julia wears a black dress (the bodice) and white. Curiously, Kelly is absent from the wedding, when we know all the ardor that she will use a few months later to fight against Ken. Her presence, much more than C.C.'s could have perhaps prevented this union.
Coming down from the floor, Sophia's sudden arrival interrupts all conversations. Sophia is dressed in a relatively simple white suit, with a large ruff (an outfit that strangely could have worn Gina). In a few seconds, Sophia becomes the center of attention of all eyes. Moved, Ken makes a toast to Sophia, a toast that further disturbs Andi. The wedding is quickly celebrated, the consents and rings are exchanged (these moments are not filmed, proof of interest in the ceremony).
Sophia gives the rhythm of the post-ceremony, a brief goodbye to the priest, then she joins Andi to directly offer her bouquet as she is the only single woman at the ceremony. While hoping one day to get married, Andi looks at Ken. Then Ted arrives with his mother's suitcases : the newlyweds, who do not want to wait, have decided to go directly on their honeymoon. If before the departure, Sophia and the other Capwell family members spend a good time, Ken returned to join Andi, who is surprised to see him leave so hastily. Intrigued, she tells him that she knows him and that she knows what happened to his former wives... The veil around Ken is torn, although he does his best to put on a brave face.
Their honeymoon will pass very fast. And, quickly, Ken's greedy claws will tighten on Sophia. Driven by Andi, Ken will treat Sophia with his special love, like his previous wives... Pill after pill, he will go through the steps to win not Sophia's heart, but her money. Fortunately for Sophia, Kelly will help her mother.
The absence of scenes, dialogues, images relating to Sophia and Ken's wedding shows the little importance of this wedding in the unfolding of the storylines. The relationship between Sophia and Ken is reminiscent of that of Sophia and T.J. Daniels in 1988. And like this first love adventure away from C.C., the relationship between Sophia and Ken is, from the beginning, doomed to failure.
Text written for this site by Lilian
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