July 11, 2024 - 25 years of Santa Barbara : le site Francais
July 30,
2024 - 40 years of Santa Barbara

Stacy Edwards : «It was a pleasure to be a part of Santa Barbara.»

 By Nicolas, exclusively for Santa Barbara : le site Francais, July 2024

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On July 20 2024, Stacy Edwards agreed to take on her time to answer exclusively the questions of Santa Barbara : le site Francais. The actress talks about her debuts, the Santa Barbara years as Hayley Benson, and of her acting job.

The beginnings before Santa Barbara

At first, l'd like you to tell us a little about you : Where do you live these days ? Do you live in couple or have children ?

I am currently living in Oklahoma. I have a grown son.

To know you better, what did you bring from yourself in the character of Hayley Benson in Santa Barbara ?

I was young and new to acting when I was cast in the role, so I wasn't too far off from the character of Hayley. I was trying to learn and figure out the craft of acting in front of the camera, vs the stage. It was a tremendous training opportunity. Hayley was naive and trying to figure out life... so it wasn't a stretch really.

How did you start your career as an actress ?

I was a dancer which took me to Chicago. I started studying acting there and decided that was what I wanted to be doing. I studied, worked in the theater and waited tables. The typical actor's life. I fortunately was cast for Santa Barbara while living in Chicago.


The time of Santa Barbara

How did you start in Santa Barbara ?

I was cast out of Chicago. I left sub zero weather in Chicago and landed in sunny Los Angeles. It was surreal and exciting. A whirlwind for sure.

How did Hayley was introduced to you at first ?

I was submitted for an audition by my agent in Chicago, where I had my initial audition I then was flown to New York to test for the role, which is the final audition. Three days later I got the call I was cast as Hayley and two days after that, I was landing in LAX.

Hayley was a very serious person. I think it was at first to maintain a balance with her eccentric aunt Gina. Would you have liked to see her more wacky, more spontaneous ?

It was a great challenge working on a soap. I was just trying to hone my craft and memorize all those lines, so honestly I wasn't wishing for different story lines.
I enjoyed working with Robin. She was very patient and supportive towards me. I was so appreciative of her help.

Hayley's love story with Ted turned bad : they had to marry too quickly to allow Hayley not to go to jail for Amy's death, then she was raped... It is only when she fell in love with Jake that she seemed happy again. Do you remember all these storylines ? What parts of Hayley's life did you prefer to play ?

It was quite a long time ago so I don't remember all the details. I do remember working with the actors. Todd and Rick were both fun to work with.

What were your favorite male and female acting partners as Hayley ?

I enjoyed working with Robin Mattson. I learned a lot working with her. I loved watching Justin Deas work. He was incredible and put up with my many acting questions.

You left the show after two years. What were the reasons of your departure ? What did you think of the end that was reserved for Hayley ?

I was told they needed to end Hayley's story line. I thought my coming back as an angel was hilarious and quite appropriate for her character. Hayley was quite naive.

What are your best remembrances from the show, on a relational and on a professional level ?

It was such a fortunate way to learn and grow as an actor. That is how I reflect on my time on Santa Barbara. It was a spring board into pursuing my career. I made friends and was afforded many new opportunities.

Did you keep in touch with members of the cast or the crew after your  departure ? Did you continue to watch the show ?

I did keep in touch for awhile, but eventually lost contact. I did not really watch afterwards I must confess. I was surprised when I heard it was being cancelled. It was a popular daytime show.

If you hadn't play Hayley, what character would you have liked to play ?

Gina. I think every actor would love a chance to be so irreverent and conniving at some point.


These last years after Santa Barbara and now

After Santa Barbara, you played in nightime dramas, movies... What difference do you find in all these kind of programs as an actress ? Can you come back on the following years of your career ?

I learn from each acting job I work on. Each one is challenging in its own way. I must say I believe the soap world may have been the most difficult. We turned out a show a day and all the dialogue was not only lengthy but it would repeat itself throughout that show in different order, which was confusing at best. I always felt any actor who came off really well in their acting on a soap, was a truly good actor.

What are your upcoming projects for the months to come ?

I am focusing on writing and my family at the moment. I will eventually step back into acting down the road because I still really enjoy the craft.

What would you like to say to all the Santa Barbara fans all over the world who didn't forget you as Hayley ?

I am happy the show held up this long. Thank you for all your support and enthusiasm. It was a pleasure to be a part of it all.


Once again all my thanks to Stacy Edwards for her sincerity and her kindness.