The Lockridge family


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Exceptional family which looks like no other one, the Lockridge family still occupies the center stage of the life in Santa Barbara, although for several years, it declines slowly for the benefit of its neighbors and rivals, the Capwells. Passionate about art, the prestige of the family will know with Horatio greatness and decline, symbolized by the wreck of the Amanda Lockridge, a sailboat coming from Europe bringing to the New World many works of art.

Horatio leaves to his descendants a family with a lost prestige, badly managed businesses and a deep hatred towards their new neighbors, the Capwells. Having not been able to beat Nathaniel Capwell, Horatio leaves to his son the care of delivering the final fight against Emmett. It will be Minx, however, who, in the past, will mark the most unexpected victory by exchanging her blood grandson (whom everybody believes to be Channing Capwell Junior) with the son of a circus family.

Unfortunately, the following generations of Lockridges do not show themselves more expert in business. And over time, the Lockridge inheritance does not stop melting away. From the beachfront property to disastrous investments, it is a slow erosion which threatens the family, most of the time to the advantage of the Capwells : even twice, Lionel will be brought to give up the family mansion, to Minx's great displeasure.

Nevertheless these losses do not seem to affect their eccentricity, the real characteristic of the family. From Horatio to Lionel, the family history is marked by this small touch of madness which breaks any dullness of their everyday life. Because it is maybe there the real wealth of this family : to know how to transform the usual into wonderful. And very fast, Lionel shows himself particularly skillful in this little game, what never fails to let C.C. Capwell speechless, whereas Cassandra will dive, as for her, into this gift excesses, until killing frenzy.

The Lockridges also distances themselves by this almost vital need to let their hearts guide them, and so to fall in love with their enemies. And every generation is characterized by a Romeo desperately in love with his Juliet : Horatio with Amanda, Lionel with Sophia, Laken with Ted, as if the Lockridges could find a salvation, or simply a feeling to exist, in these impossible loves.

The Lockridge family will not escape either from lies and treasons. Well beyond Lionel's betrayal against Augusta with Sophia, which will profoundly mark the minds, almost all the members will betray among themselves, in the name of love. However, once the lie revealed, thanks to this Lockridge faculty, they will know how to find the strength to forgive themselves.

Text written for this site by Lilian