Tuc Whitaker




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? :
 February 20 1990 (# 1401)


Symbol of Kelly Capwell's new life, Tuc Whitaker shows up at the Capwell villa to go out with Kelly. Physically, Tuc is the perfect daddy's boy of a rich Californian : blond hair, he wears suit and tie, and he seems to manage to combine sport and parties.

At the villa, it is not Kelly whom he meets, but Sophia. Sophia must, at her daughter's request, quickly reject the young man. Sophia manages very easily to make Tuc understand that Kelly is not there and that she does not intend to go out with him.

Spurned, but with a smile on his face, Tuc leaves the villa, thinking that maybe there will be a next time...

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Tuc