Henry Riley




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Identity   Interpreter
Profession : Race horse trainer at Anthony Tonell's stables      

David J. Partington :
January 04 1990 (# 1369) to February 12 1990 (# 1395)


Horse trainer, Henry Riley works in stables in Santa Barbara, stables which belonged to Anthony Tonell and that now belong to Robert Barr. Henry is mainly in charge of training horses, including Dark Victor, a splendid racehorse destined for great victories.

Henry accepts without difficulty the presence of Elizabeth Davis - who is none other than Kelly Capwell - the new hired one at the stables. He is the one who makes her visit the place and helps her to remove the dirt from the loose-boxes. Very quickly, he seems to trust her - unlike another employee, Travis Bucknell - because he supports her when she offers Robert Barr to make Dark Victor compete in a race.

Henry still supports her when, together, they spy on Travis looking for evidence of corruption within the stables. The discovery of an accounts book and syringes quickly leads him to understand that Tonell's men are much more concerned with the bets of the races and the money they can thus earn than by the horses themselves. He then takes the full measure of the danger that awaits him.

His last appearance occurs at the Topsy Turvy's, with his face bashed up by blows. He comes, out of friendship, to warn Kelly of the danger : she is next one on the list...

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Henry
David J. Partington