Rich Landers




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Complete name : Richard Landers

Profession : Student




Ric Coy :
May 01 1992 (# 1958) to May 04 1992 (# 1959)

Lonnie Quinn :
May 19 1992 (# 1970) to January 06 1993 (# 2130)


In 1992, to bring to a successful conclusion her project of vengeance against Lily "Light" Blake, Lisa Fenimore requests the help of her old friend, Rich Landers. Coming from a privileged background as her, Rich is a young elitist student and without too many scruples. He accepts Lisa's plan to make Lily come in a shady bar under a false pretext, and leads her to dance like a stripper in the middle of his student brotherhood friends. While Lily is helped by her friend Rafe Castillo, Rich sees himself threatened with a shard of glass by his victim, who understood well with whom she has to deal.

It seems fast that Rich is in reality madly in love with Lisa, and that he accepts all her traps only to prove her his feelings for her. Some unshared feelings that Lisa does even not perceive. So, Rich follows Lisa’s crazy idea to pretend to be pregnant of Rafe to take him away from Lily. Stuck by a pressing wedding proposal by Rafe, Lisa turns again to Rich, who promises to her to turn everything right. He makes a friend come disguised as a minister and lets the couple getting united for fake, without Rafe knowing it. But he quickly becomes disenchanted when he realizes that Lisa begins to have feelings for Rafe, and that she considers as a good thing to prolong this false marriage.

Rich gets closer to Lily, whom he esteems for her simplicity and her honesty, and gets close of having an affair with her several times. But always infatuated with Lisa, he agrees again to bring her his help to persuade Rafe that she had a miscarriage on the return of a journey in Paris. Rich even goes as far as paying a nurse to give evidence of this drama to Rafe. In return, he expects from Lisa a gesture which she is not ready to offer him. Exceeded, he threatens her to tell everything to Rafe on their false wedding and her false pregnancy. Lisa asks him to wait, again and again.

Feeling used and betrayed by the one he loves since the childhood, Rich goes to Lisa's and tries by force to make love with her. He is surprised by Rafe, who fights with him. Rich is made K.O., while Lisa, hospitalized, admits all her lies to Rafe.

Reputation as love, Rich will finally have lost everything, having become infatuated with the bad person with a love which will have blinded him and led him to his loss...

The photos of Rich
Ric Coy

Lonnie Quinn