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Identity   Interpreter
Profession : Guardian angel      

Ronnie Schell :
December 21 1989
(# 1360) to December 22 1989 (# 1361)


It is during Christmas 1989 celebrations that Cruz crosses the way of his guardian angel. Paddy, at the time of his meeting with Cruz, explains to him why he is an angel, his guardian angel. But actually, as Paddy says it, he is not completely an angel yet, since he is there to deserve his wings...

His mission is to give hope again to Cruz who, separated from Eden (she is torn between her love for Cruz and the memory of Robert Barr, her first love), seems to ignore his own life. After having won Cruz's full attention, Paddy presents to him the life of the main characters of Santa Barbara without him. Just like in Capra's movie It's a Wonderful Life, of which this episode is freely inspired, Cruz realizes that his life is beautiful, happy and especially that the home he succeeded in building with Eden, Chip and Adriana is the most beautiful of the riches.

Thanks to the return of Cruz near his family, there is no doubt that Paddy will have acquired his wings. Moreover, the bell offered to Cruz joyfully tinkles, proof that an angel has just received his wings...

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Paddy
Ronnie Schell