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Profession : Barman


Enrique Renaldo :
February 22 1988 (# 894) to February 23 1988 (# 895)


Barman of the village of Tomaso, Paco welcomes Cruz, Eden, Andrea and Cain in his small bar. Paco has it both ways : indeed, if he advises them to visit Manolo, the head of the local police, he is also one of Richard Matthews' associates. For proof, he brings them margaritas full of sleeping drugs. As soon as Eden, Andrea and Cain fell asleep, he hides them and holds them prisoners. When Cruz is back, he lies to him by specifying that his friends left to join him and that they are going to come back.

When Cruz comes back with Manolo, Paco has no other choices that to obey the weapon pointed at him, and to reveal to Cruz the place where his friends are held prisoners.

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

Read also : Chase after the Fox

The photos of Paco
Enrique Renaldo