Lily Murakami




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Tamlyn Tomita :
December 09 1987 (# 843)


Accomplice of Kirk Cranston's, Lily Murakami participates in his project of vengeance. It is on Harry Yamada's advice that her road crosses Eden Capwell and Cruz Castillo's.

It is at her home that she welcomes the most wanted fugitives of the city. The room is of the simplest : a round table, some chairs, a red sofa and a thick green curtain behind which hides Kirk.

Lily has a very big knowledge of the old Japanese symbols. Obeying Kirk, she explains to Eden and Cruz that the people behind this symbol belong to the sect of the cherry tree flower, and that the ancestors of this sect are at the origin of the concept of Hara-kiri sacrifice. These men renounced to any pleasures. This sect includes only few followers, but men on the harbor belong to a group which presents many similarities.

Guided by her advices, Eden and Cruz will dive into the trap which is intended for them, and will find themselves face to face with Kirk.

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

Press article
The oriental charm of Tamlyn, 1998
The photos of Lily
Tamlyn Tomita