Sister Lillian




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Profession : Nun at Vineyards convent


Mariclare Costello :
November 20 1990 (# 1594) to November 26 1990 (# 1597)


Nun at Vineyards convent, Sister Lillian comes very discreetly to help Michael Donnelly, who has briefly put on his priest's garment, in his search for another nun, Sister Angelique. Sister Lillian offers him her help, knowing that her superior at the convent, Father Merlin, is against it.

At their last meeting, Sister Lillian unveils a part of the personality of Father Merlin and Sister Angelique. She confirms that these two people know each other well. Moreover, she entrusts to Michael that Father Merlin knows much more than he wants to recognize it : he even knows the address of Sister Angelique. Before returning to pray, Sister Lillian makes a strange remark concerning Sister Angelique : "She is the devil incarnate...". This remark comforts Michael in his doubts about the legality of the bond which unites Minx Lockridge, who pays him to find the nun, and Sister Angelique...

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Lillian
Mariclare Costello