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Identity   Interpreter

Year of birth : 1978

Year of death : 1988


Marc Dakota Robinson :
April 05 1988 (# 925) to April 06 1988 (# 926)


As a young street boy, Jerome lives by selling stolen items or clothing. It is near The Lair that Jerome tries to sell socks to Margot Collins first, then to Jake Morton and Pearl Bradford.

Right away, Jake becomes fond of him. Jerome explains that he spends his days on the street on his own. After a poker game with his new friends, he explains that school is useless. Jake understands the distress that inhabits him when he offers to find them a car radio, and decides to help him. He offers him a deal : if he agrees to go back to school, he will take him for a horse ride.

As he leaves The Lair by bike, Jake only hears the sound of a car that brakes, then a shock : Jerome is knocked over. Led to the hospital and taken in charge by Dr.Scott Clark, Jerome dies shortly after, even before arriving in the operating block, from internal bleeding.

His death increases the guilt of Jake, who already bears the responsibility for Hayley's death, and accentuates the anger of Scott, who thinks that Jerome could have been better helped if he had been white or rich.

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Jerome
Marc Dakota Robinson