Greta MacAdams




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Former know boyfriend : Michael Donnelly (1989-1990)

Professions : Nun, nurse




Elizabeth Maclellan :
September 15 1989 (# 1294) to February 20 1990 (# 1401)


It is through Celeste DiNapoli that Greta MacAdams meets for the first time Michael Donnelly. Kind and discreet, Greta is a former nun who left the convent to become a nurse, at the Santa Barbara hospital. Very fast, she falls under Michael's charm, but realizes that her feelings are not mutual.

Laura Asher, who sees in Greta a rival in Michael's heart, then pushes her in Mack Blake's arms, recently arrived in town. Even if both have little in common, Greta nearly sleeps with him. She retracts just in time, preferring to wait that her beloved Michael decides to finally see her as a girlfriend rather than as a sister (in both senses of the word).

Greta's natural kindness shows itself when she suggests taking in at her home a baby whose mother fled the maternity hospital after the delivery. Greta baptizes the girl Grace and becomes attached to her as if she was hers. But the mother of the child returns on her early choice to abandon her, and Greta, full of sadness, is forced to let the baby leave. But this adventure will have allowed to tighten the links between her and Michael and to make of them a recognized couple. She then participates with him in the creation and the animation of the community center which Michael created in his former chapel.

Greta disappears suddenly from the screen at the beginning of 1990, without any reason. The writers having chosen to bring together Michael and Nikki Alvarez, it seems that Greta had not her place anymore. Michael will have erased her of his memory, without any farewell or break-up scene.

Press article
Playing an ex-nun is an old habit for Santa Barbara's Elizabeth Maclellan, 1989
The photos of Greta
Elizabeth Mclellan

Greta and men