Gladys Sauderham




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Identity   Interpreter
Year of birth : 1911

Profession : Director of the Santa Barbara catholic orphanage


Louise Fitch :
March 21 1990 (# 1422) to March 22 1990 (# 1423)


Gladys is the former director of the Santa Barbara orphanage. She occupied the job at the time when Ethan, Derek, Stephen and Craig were all pensioners of the establishment, and that they shared a deep friendship with the Cassandra.

This is with Gladys that Eden Capwell goes to the search for information, whereas she prepares a report on the orphanage. Indeed, Sister Allegra, the current director, refuses to answer the least question. It is thus to her that Eden presents the photo found in the basements of the orphanage. And when she asks her the names of the four boys present on the photo, she says to recognize only Derek Griffin, towards who turn already Eden's suspicions.

The next morning, in the presence of Derek, she phones Eden and reveals to her the identity of the three other orphans : they are three young boys, today unfortunately all deceased. Because of her failing memory, she will not be the one who will betray Derek's secrecy : that he was raised in this same orphanage in company of Ethan Asher, Stephen Slade and Craig Hunt.

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Gladys
Louise Fitch