Fred Mauldin




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Profession : President of the Blue Sky Brigade


Jonathan Penner :
January 21 1991 (# 1633)


Member of the Blue Sky Brigade alongside Dash Nichols, Fred Mauldin will have to make a cruel choice : to choose between his ecological convictions and his loyalty towards the head of the association.

During an informal meeting, Mason Capwell exchanges with Fred Mauldin and offers him an agreement. Mason offers Fred the possibility for the association not to lose face during the opening of the Oasis resort. Mason, through Capwell Enterprises, is ready to recognize the role of the Blue Sky Brigade and the strength of their ecological commitment to a certain condition. This condition is without appeal : Dash must be definitively excluded from the Blue Sky Brigade.

Fred agrees to this proposal. His ecological commitment and his desire to become responsible of the Blue Sky Brigade are stronger than his support for Dash. Dash is thus dismissed and the association can again occupy the center stage.

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Fred
Jonathan Penner