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Profession : Housekeeper


Jeanne Hepple :
December 28 1989 (# 1365)


Employee of Sasha Schmidt, she is the housekeeper of her villa in Palm Springs. From her work, there is no doubt that she is aware of Sasha's relations, as well as the comings and goings in the villa. That is why it is quite natural that Mason Capwell comes to see her, to protect his relationship with Julia.

While she is in the middle of her work, she receives on the same day Mason and Julia. Mason comes to ask her a favor : if a woman comes here, with a photo of him, asking her if she has ever seen him here with Sasha, she must deny. She does not really understand the situation. And to help her get through the step, Mason offers her a check.

Then, it is Julia, the woman in question, who presents herself with a photo of Mason. She looks at the photo, and as she turns her back on Julia, she pulls the check out of her pocket : the choice is simple and fast. She firmly denies seeing this man here with Sasha Schmidt.

However, this lie will not prevent Julia from discovering the truth, because of a dedication of Mason on a book dealing with Eastern erotic art.

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of the housekeeper
Jeanne Hepple