Elaine Barnowski




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Identity   Interpreter
Profession : Student      

Ria Pavia :
March 03 1992 (# 1915) to December 28 1992 (# 2124)


At spring 1992, a new generation of characters makes his entrance in the show around Lily "Light" Blake, who joins the benches of the university. Among them, Elaine Barnowski, a young kind and awkward companion of Lily’s, who becomes very fast her best friend and a confidante.

Behind her glasses with big frames, Elaine hides an artichoke heart and becomes crazy about all the young men who join the university this year : Rafe Castillo, but also the mysterious Troy Rhodes who afterward turns out being B.J. Walker in disguised. Bon viveur and cheerful, Elaine gets enthusiastic for nothing. Faithful friend of Sawyer Walker, she however goes away from him for the benefit of Lily whose loving torments fascinate her. Always ready to listen to her, she however loses her temper when she realizes that her friend does not listen to her and makes the opposite of what she advises her.

Always ready to help, she supports Lily in her choices to forget Rafe for the benefit of Ted Capwell. Unfortunately sick, she is however absent in their wedding at the very end of the year.

Too discreet, Elaine would have deserved a better development to also know the prince charming about whom she has never stopped dreaming...

The photos of Elaine
Ria Pavia