Ed Thompson




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Identity   Interpreter
Profession : Henchman      

Burr DeBenning :
January 04 1988 (# 860) to February 09 1988 (# 885)


Central pawn of the confrontation between Sophia Capwell and Pamela Conrad, Ed Thompson symbolizes all the violence of the jealousy and characterizes also these barriers we are able to cross by love...

Ed Thompson is charged by the sweet Sophia, against a lot of money, to find a way to oblige Pamela to leave Santa Barbara and, consequently, to cease turning around C.C.. For this reason Ed makes exploding Pamela's oil rig, located in the offing of Santa Barbara.

Immediately after, Ed blackmails Sophia, because this one is upset vis-a-vis the amplitude of the catastrophe on the ecological level (catastrophe which will involve the arrival in Santa Barbara of Andrea Bedford) and she wants to denounce herself to the authorities. Thompson, as for him, does not want to finish his days in prison. Then he does not see any other solutions than to threaten Sophia. Taken at her own trap, Sophia is obliged to pay the 20.000 dollars that he requires.

In the same time, Ed Thompson is contacted by Pamela Conrad (she learned the part played by Sophia thanks to the third Mrs Capwell : Gina). He has to reveal to C.C. the role of his wife in the explosion. Ed does his job for a nice amount of money... Lastly, in accordance with Sophia's wishes and also Pamela's, Ed leaves Santa Barbara, the bags full of money...

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Ed