David Raymond




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Married to : Angela Raymond (198?-1991)

Former known girlfriend : Marilyn Cassidy (198?), Gina DeMott Capwell (1992)


Professions : Judge, lawyer


John Beck :
July 08 1991 (# 1749) to July 01 1992 (# 2000)


Serious, upright and without much imagination, judge David Raymond arrives in Santa Barbara in the summer of 1991. His marriage to the beautiful Angela is struggling and the couple is about to separate. Old friend of C.C. Capwell's, David is primarily the former law teacher of the lawyer Julia Wainwright, with whom he aspires to a love relationship. But he must face Julia's inability to detach herself from her ex-husband Mason Capwell. Thus, his advances remain vain, although his eagerness to seduce her continues for several months.

If he renounces to run for a senator post that will keep him away in Washington, David is willing to part with Angela and to ask for divorce. But Angela, to dissuade him, threats him of retaliation : if he starts the procedure, she will denounce to the police his role in the death of her sister, Marilyn. Killed in a car accident with him, Marilyn was above all David's first love, before he met and married Angela.

Finally, Angela having found a new love in the person of Warren Lockridge, David sees opening the possibility of finally getting a divorce. He then resigns from his post as a judge, fearing the impact on his career. He moves as a lawyer, and even participates in the defense of Warren in his trial for the murder of Amado Gonzalez. He then plans to reveal information about Marilyn's death in order to harm Angela, which could exonerate Warren while making her a possible suspect. But the real culprit, Craig Hunt, is discovered. David leaves Angela in peace, getting at that same moment his long awaited divorce.

However the Marilyn case catches him up through Cassandra Benedict who, jealous of seeing Angela with Warren, seeks to destroy her rival. Unwittingly drugged by Cassandra, David admits that Angela is involved as much as him in the death of Marilyn, as she was driving the car the night of her death. Pushed at her turn to confess herself by Cassandra, Angela admits the facts.

David enjoys his new found tranquility to get closer to Gina DeMott Capwell. But David's proximity with C.C. permanently creates doubts towards each other on the sincerity of their feelings : David is afraid that Gina uses him to gain the favors of C.C., whereas Gina wrongly thinks that David dates her on his old friend's order of to keep on eye on her actions. The relation does not last and David, finally alone and without ties, leaves Santa Barbara without being missed for all that by the persons who will have frequented him...

The photos of David
John Beck

David and women


David and the others

Phyllis-David.jpg (58250 octets)