Dan Novack




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Profession : Journalist at The Santa Barbara Tribune


Richard Green :
October 1 1989 (# 1314), November 30 1989 (# 1345), January 22 1990 (# 1380) to February 22 1990 (# 1403)


Journalist at The Santa Barbara Tribune, Dan's articles are published in the people pages of the newspaper. Along with other journalists, Dan writes about the facts and gestures of the city's personalities, and more particularly about their sentimental topicality.

It is in this capacity that he is invited by Robert Barr to the press conference where he announces that he will move Capwell Enterprises to Las Vegas.

In search of a new scoop, he is also present in the hospital of the city, after the hospitalization of Laura Asher, the district attorney's wife. He questions Ethan right in front of Laura's room, to find out the reasons for her hospitalization, but especially to find .out if their marriage is not falling apart. He then attends Laura's little game : to torment her husband, when she asks him if he comes home with her, or if he plans to go to Gina's. Dan is thrilled; he has the proof he wants..

It is still at the hospital that he attacks Ethan with questions, along with other journalists, about the rumors of his infidelity. While Laura is hospitalized again, Ethan is forced to lie and categorically deny, in front of the cameras, being in love with another woman.

Finally, always looking for proof of the affair between Ethan and Gina, he comes one day directly to the door of the Lockridge mansion. He harasses Gina with questions about her relationship with the district attorney and its repercussions on Laura's behavior. Even if Gina shuts the door in his face, Dan does not feel defeated. He knows that in Santa Barbara, other scoops await him...

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Dan
Richard Green