Mr. Bottoms




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Identity   Interpreter

Profession : Teacher at Lyman prep


Ray Walston :
September 19 1984 (# 38) to November 26 1984 (# 85)


Old school and overwhelmed by modernity, Mr. Bottoms is the new teacher with whom have to put up Jade Perkins, Laken Lockridge and Ted Capwell at the start of the new school year  at Lyman High School.

Partisan of a big respect for family values and traditions of another age, Mr. Bottoms sees quickly his misplaced authority flouted by his students who make him their favorite scapegoat. In order to undermine his authority crises, Ted and his friend Danny Andrade enclose for example one night a camel in his classroom, which surprises without difficulty the next morning the irascible professor.

Mr. Bottoms, determined not to let go his unruly students, tracks Ted and his friends. He discovers that they have secretly bought a hotel in a shady area of the city, the Frisky Business. In order to take them into fault, he rents there a room incognito and, by an unfortunate misunderstanding, he finds himself stucked with a call-girl, habitué of the place ! Arrested by a police officer, Mr. Bottoms owes his salvation to Ted, came to save his face for winning the right to indifference.

The counters being reset, it will be soon finished of Mr. Bottoms, funny but used caricature of the old teachers from another time.

The photos of Mr. Bottoms
Ray Walston