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Identity   Interpreter
Profession : Waitress at the Orient Express  



Betty White :
January 26 1988 (# 875) to January 28
1988 (# 877)


It is on the occasion of the competition that in January 1988 famous actress Betty White makes three brief incursions in the world of Santa Barbara. The game consists in counting the number of episodes in which she appears. During her appearances, she will keep this touch of humor and of irreverence which characterizes her.

During her first appearance, she is a waitress in the Orient Express. It is her who comes to serve C.C. Capwell, whom she does not seem to know. And she laughs at his choice of wine : a pommard with a cheeseburger.

In her second appearance, she ends her service as Eden and Cruz settles down in the restaurant. She lectures Cruz on the way they settle down and suggest that Cruz is stingy. Immediately after, Eden will go to the maître d' to fire her.

We then find her in the movie theater during the confrontation between Harry Winslow and Cruz. During this meeting, she is briefly taken as hostage. Fortunately, everything ends fine.

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

Press article
Where's Betty ?, 1988
The photos of the waitress
Betty White