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Child : Timmy


Pamela Gordon :
September 10 1987 (# 783) to September 16 1987 (# 786)


It is in the soup kitchen that Bertha's way crosses Keith Timmons and Gina Capwell, where this latter makes community works. Bertha shows herself very virulent towards Keith who seems not to respect the poor people, simply because he is lucky enough not to be needy. Bertha is so an ally in Gina, an ally who is going to become more and more present when she will have seen the rich medallion and the children's photos which he contains. As soon as Gina put back the medallion to Bertha (it had slid in her plate of soup), she is categorical : she recognizes in one of these children a person of her circle of acquaintances.

Bertha is summoned in the district attorney's office as soon as Gina had confirmation that the children of the medallion are in fact Mason Capwell and Jeffrey Conrad. Quickly, the deduction is then done in Gina's mind that Pamela is still alive.

Bertha is then convinced by Gina, who touches her tender spot : the loss of her son, who looks like Jeffrey's portrait. Touched by Gina's words, Bertha admits that she stole the medallion to the person with whom she shared her cell : Maxine Carter.

Partially relieved, Bertha leaves the district attorney's office, not without having asked to Gina to take back the photo of the child which evokes her the memory of her lost son.

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Bertha
Pamela Gordon